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African Union

African Union

 African Union initiative / by EM Njoroge / 994 views

The AU works towards a peaceful, prosperous and integrated Africa. The departments of the AU, among others include rural economy and agriculture, science & technology, women, gender and development and social affairs. The Department of Social Affairs has core divisions of: AIDS, TB, malaria and other infectious diseases; health, nutrition and population; labor, employment and migration; and social welfare and drug control. The Department has developed the ‘Africa health strategy 2016-2030’ that is premised on a number of continental and global health policy commitments and instruments. Chief among these frameworks are Agenda 2063 “The Africa we want” and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including its Sustainable Development Goals. The resources section has documents, handbooks, newsletters, and the African Union Commission archives.

More details:

  • Listing ID: 11028
  • Subject category: Community development, Community health care, Communicable diseases, Nutrition, Sustainable development Goals
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
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