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 African Union initiative / by EM Njoroge / 747 views

CARMMA was launched to trigger concerted action towards improving maternal and newborn health and survival across the continent. The Campaign aims to expand the availability and use of universally accessible quality health services, including those related to sexual and reproductive health that are critical for the reduction of maternal mortality. CARMMA focuses on three key areas: public information and advocacy; replicating best practices of achievements made in reducing maternal mortality in some countries; and intensifying actions aimed at reducing maternal and infant mortality. CARMMA mobilizes increased political commitment and action to reduce maternal mortality in countries that have high rates. The resources section provides free information that give simple, practical advice on issues that will save lives. There are also video resources on maternal, newborn and child survival – even the CARMMA song.

More details on Website:

  • Listing ID: 11050
  • Subject category: Child health, Health services, Mother, newborn and child health, Reproductive and sexual health
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
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