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Equality in Health in Southern Africa – Equinet

Equality in Health in Southern Africa – Equinet

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / by EM Njoroge / 645 views

EQUINET is a network of professionals, civil society members, policy makers, state officials and others in East and Southern Africa, who have come together to promote and realize shared values of equity and social justice in health. EQUINET gathers people to overcome isolation, give voice and promote networking using bottom-up approaches. Program areas of the Network focus on: equity in health; values, policies and rights; health equity in economic and trade policies; poverty and health; equitable health services; HR for health; resource allocation and health financing; equity and HIV/AIDS; governance and participation in health; monitoring equity; as well as research to policy. The EQUINET Participatory Action Research (PAR) Portal http:// makes information accessible to share knowledge. The portal provides links to training resources; methods, tools and ethics; PAR work: publications, journal papers, reports and other relevant information.

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