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Action for Global Health – AfGH

Action for Global Health – AfGH

 Network (Advocacy, Global or NGO) / by Nason Bimbe / 1181 views / Popular

AfGH is a broad European network of development and health organizations advocating for European governments to play a more proactive role in enabling developing countries to meet the right to health for all and the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). AfGH is active in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, UK and Brussels and has over 50 member NGOs across these countries. The network works on broad health and health systems issues with a focus on the quantity and quality of development assistance for health and acceleration of progress towards improved health outcomes. It acts to integrate horizontal health systems concerns and targeted disease-specific concerns and issues relating to these to aid volumes and aid effectiveness. Moreover, AfGH advocates for the implementation of common principles and basic measures that will improve health policies and enable universal access to health care in developing countries. Its advocacy work is focused on financing for health and universal health coverage. The resource library has a curation of factsheets, reports, articles, websites, webinars and other tools for people working on global health. Alongside Action for Global Health’s own materials, it link to other useful resources from across the sector. More details:
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