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Australian Federation of AIDS Organization – AFAO

Australian Federation of AIDS Organization - AFAO

 Network (Advocacy, Global or NGO) / by Nason Bimbe / 972 views

AFAO is a federation for the HIV community response in Australia. The Federation is recognized both globally and nationally for the leadership, policy expertise, coordination and support it provides. Through advocacy, policy and health promotion, AFAO champions awareness, understanding and pro-activity around HIV prevention, education, support and research. To prevent HIV and its impacts, AFAO works with governments, clinicians, researchers and the community. AFAO’s work is directed primarily towards communities where there is a higher prevalence of HIV and groups at greater risk of acquiring HIV. Nationally, AFAO provides a voice for communities affected by HIV and leads the national conversation on HIV. Internationally, it contributes to the development of effective policy and program responses to HIV/AIDS. AFHQ implements initiatives to strengthen civil society responses to HIV at a global level, particularly in Asia -Pacific region. The publications page contains a wide range of AFAO’s publications which includes commissioned articles, audio interviews and editorials on HIV from both local and global perspective, policy papers, submissions and reports, as well as health promotion resources. The media centre has information about AFAO’s media activities. You can bookmark AFAO’s HIV Media Guide – Information for Journalists. The website includes tips on best practice and case studies which highlight the need for careful reporting on HIV-related issues.
  • Listing ID: 3956
  • Subject category: Communicable diseases, Health promotion and education
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
  • Organization type: International Development
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