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Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention – Africa CDC

Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention – Africa CDC

 African Union initiative / by yohannes Tsegaye / 714 views

Africa CDC was established by the African Union with the purpose of reducing sickness and death by improving prevention, detection, and response to public health threats. The Africa CDC helps build a healthier, stronger Africa and the AU Member States are the direct beneficiaries. By supporting African countries in their efforts to monitor the public’s health, respond to emergencies, address complex health challenges, and build needed capacity, the Africa CDC help close dangerous gaps in public health systems of Africa. The Africa CDC Coordination Office is based at the AU Headquarters in Ethiopia. Five Regional Collaborating Centers, one in each region of the continent, help execute the day-to-day work of the organization and ensure that the continent is supported at the point of need. The news and events page inform latest happenings in the region. More details:  
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