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Centre for Health Economics, University of York – CHE

Centre for Health Economics, University of York - CHE

 Academic institution / by Nason Bimbe / 750 views

CHE is a renowned institute that produces policy relevant research and innovative methods that advance the use of health economics to improve population health. CHE operates across all areas of the discipline, with a particular emphasis on methodological thinking and high policy impact. Difficult decisions have to be made on a daily basis including: the choice of treatments provided; the way the health and social care system should be organized, paid for and monitored; how to reward the workforce; and the role of patients and the public in the health and social care system. CHE’s research is designed to provide analytical frameworks and evidence to support these sorts of decisions. The research is organized into broad themes of: economic evaluation of health technologies; health policy; econometric methods; equity in health and health care; global health; health and social care and public health. In addition, CHE runs a program of short, MSc and PhD courses across a number of areas of health economics. The CHE publications, research papers and policy briefings are means of making current research material widely available. The publications are freely available for download. CHE newsletters inform policy makers, researchers and practitioners about recent developments at the Centre.
  • Listing ID: 4008
  • Subject category: Health information technology and management, Health workforce and training
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
  • Organization type: International Development, NGOs
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