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Future Health Systems – FHS

Future Health Systems – FHS

 Partnership / by Nason Bimbe / 650 views

Future Health Systems is a research consortium working to improve access, affordability and quality of health services for the poor. FHS is a partnership of leading research institutes from across the globe working in a variety of contexts to build resilient health systems for the future in Bangladesh, Uganda, China, India, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ethiopia. FHS works to generate knowledge that shapes health systems to benefit poor people. It addresses fundamental questions about the design of health systems and works closely with people who are leading the transformation of health systems in their own countries. Thematic areas of work include: unlocking community capabilities; stimulating innovations; complex adaptive systems; ethics and health markets. FHS resources include journals and publications on primary care, maternal health, malaria, health finance, health and climate, childhood health, drug policy, policy processes, monitoring, research methods, scaling up etc.
  • Listing ID: 4069
  • Subject category: Community development, Health planning and management
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
  • Organization type: International Development
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