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German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

 Government health organization / by Nason Bimbe / 677 views

The German government in close co-operation with the international community, is actively engaged in combating poverty, securing food, establishing peace, freedom, democracy and human rights. BMZ is shaping globalization in a socially equitable manner and preserving the environment and natural resources. The development cooperation in the context of country program takes into consideration the developmental challenges of the country and the region where the partner country is located. These regional challenges generally affect more than one country. Thus, BMZ works in Africa, Asia, Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, Latin America and Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. It also works with emerging economies that are important partners for international cooperation on sustainable development. The publications have resources on climate, development policy, health, human rights, peace, poverty, international cooperation, rural development, food security, and much more.
  • Listing ID: 4136
  • Subject category: Community development, Community health care, Disaster management & emergency service, Food security, Sustainable development Goals
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
  • Organization type: International Development, Academia
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