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Harnessing Non-state Actors for Better Health for the Poor – HANSHEP

Harnessing Non-state Actors for Better Health for the Poor - HANSHEP

 Partnership / by Nason Bimbe / 670 views

HANSHEP, a group of development agencies, governments, foundations, civil society organizations and other organizations, is seeking to improve the performance of the non-state sectors in delivering better healthcare to the poor by working together, learning from each other and sharing lessons with others. HANSHEP aims to generate robust evidence about the role of non-state actors in pro-poor health provision to inform policies for enhancing mixed health systems, and to highlight and disseminate the evidence. The projects undertaken strive to ensure that poor beneficiaries are better informed about primary health care and access high-quality health care more easily. The projects also ensure that the poor receive increased financial protection and pay less out-of-pocket. Health systems are strengthened by addressing government and/or market failures and effective government stewardship of non-state actors. In addition, reducing prices of medicine and innovating for potential scale and replicability is used to strengthen the health system. The news and events provide updates. You can click on the RSS feed to sign up for direct updates to your Inbox.
  • Listing ID: 4173
  • Subject category: Primary health care
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
  • Organization type: International Development, Programs, and all other health advocates
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