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Harvard TH Chan, School of Public Health – HSPH

Harvard TH Chan, School of Public Health – HSPH

 Academic institution / by Nason Bimbe / 779 views

The Harvard School of Public Health aims to advance the public’s health through learning, discovery and communication. The School produces knowledge through research and translates that knowledge into evidence, which can be communicated to the public, policymakers, and practitioners to advance the health of populations. HSPH researchers are involved in projects promoting global health worldwide. The School has Guidelines for Benefit-Cost Analysis to encourage the conduct of high quality benefit‐cost analyses. The guidelines provide a reference case that promotes comparability across analyses and include principles, methodological specifications, and reporting standards.
  • Listing ID: 4274
  • Subject category: Global health, Public health
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
  • Organization type: International Development
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