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Hong Kong University MOOCs

Hong Kong University MOOCs

 Public health / by Animut Mesfin / 146 views

HKU offers Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, and Professional Certificate programs on edX and Coursera, which gives worldwide learners’ access to HKU’s open online education. HKU MOOCs are an innovative education concept that combines expertise from academics, industry leaders and practitioners from around the world.The MOOCs compile bite-sized thematic units/lessons using robust multimedia resources and learning activities and assessment to scaffold your learning in the global classroom. The courses can help you meet your learning goals from bridging knowledge gaps, professional development in specialized disciplinary areas, to simply broadening your horizons and educational interests.  
Courses Subject
Biomaterials & Your Health Oral health
Doing Gender and Why it Matters Gender-related development
So You Want To Be A Surgeon? Health services
Epidemics IV Diseases/disease control
Materials in Oral Health Oral health
  • Listing ID: 41824
  • Subject category: Diseases and disease control, Oral health, Public health
  • Database Type: e-Learning
  • More Details:
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