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International Decision Support Initiative – iDSI

International Decision Support Initiative - iDSI

 Network (Advocacy, Global or NGO) / by Nason Bimbe / 730 views

The iDSI is a global network of health, policy and economic expertise, working to achieve Universal Health Coverage and the health Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 3) around the world. The Initiative shares its skills and expertise in areas to help low- and middle-income countries to transition from aid – develop skills to spend smarter and to increase access to quality healthcare so they can achieve Universal Health Coverage. The areas of intervention are: tackling healthcare challenges; strengthening health systems and institutions; generating and using evidence; smart purchasing for UHC; value for money for sustainable development and measuring impact. iDSI forges regional and global partnerships that share the knowledge and support needed to achieve real world health gains. The Initiative focuses on building institutional knowledge within existing health systems so countries can lead their own progress towards UHC. iDSI’s work is underpinned by robust evidence, analysis and decision-making that policymakers, funders and researchers can use to balance trade-offs between different policy options and model potential results to make the best choice available. The resources section has a selection of key iDSI resources; from journal articles to technical reports and tools. The iDSI Knowledge Gateway provides technical guidance on tackling healthcare challenges, conducting health technology assessments and more resources on the areas of intervention.
  • Listing ID: 4270
  • Subject category: Primary health care, Sustainable development Goals, Universal health coverage
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
  • Organization type: International Development
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