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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, John Hopkins University – JHBSPH

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, John Hopkins University – JHBSPH

 Academic institution / by Nason Bimbe / 600 views

Since its founding in 1916, the Bloomberg School has advanced research, education and practice to create solutions to public health problems around the world. The Bloomberg School works to keep millions safe from illness and injury by pioneering new research, deploying knowledge in the field and educating tomorrow’s public health leaders. The collective goal of the School’s research endeavor is to improve the public’s health in the United States and throughout the world. Faculty currently conducts research in over 120 countries. Explore the interactive map to see JHBSPH’s global projects worldwide. Research that crosses disciplines is facilitated by the School. SciVal Experts is a resource that compiles faculty research profiles from PubMed publications and other databases for faculty members that can assist in identifying potential collaborations. More information can be found at SciVal Experts website. Hopkins Bloomberg Health Magazine , a major communications medium for the Bloomberg School, has latest issues, articles and archives.
  • Listing ID: 4310
  • Subject category: Health workforce and training, Public health
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
  • Organization type: International Development, Academia
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