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US National Library of Medicine

US National Library of Medicine

 Medicine / by Nason Bimbe / 723 views

The databases and electronic resources provided by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, is especially suitable for the public, health care providers, researchers, librarians and publishers. Biomedical and Health Sciences related information in the form of searchable databases, databanks, bibliographic citations, some full text materials, archival collections, & images are available. The electronic databases listed include: PubMed/MEDLINE, MeSH, UMLS, Clinical, MedlinePlus, TOXNET; and LocatorPlus . The databases have resources on a wide range of subjects including nutrition, consumer health, health services research, communicable and non-communicable diseases; public health; dissertations and theses and free full-text articles and much more.
Course subject
Effective Health Communication and Health Literacy: Understanding the Connection Health communication
 Responding to AIDS: History, Politics, and Visual Culture  Public health
Mental Health and Incarceration  HIV/AIDS
A Voyage to Health  Health services
Physician Assistants: Collaboration and Care  Health workforce
Pick Your Poison: Intoxicating Pleasures & Medical Prescriptions- Drug use and abuse: Past and present Mental health & psycho-social services
Visual literacy: Images of nurses and nursing Health workforce & training
 Impacts of the 1964 Rubella Epidemic Communicable diseases
Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health Global health
The power of medicine Primary health care
Graphic Medicine & Mental Health Mental health & psycho-social services
Spread the word with PSAS Health education
 9 Questions to help you make sense of health research Publication/research support
Providing Multilingual and Multicultural Health Information Health information
Health Literacy On Demand Health information
Building Reference Skills for Nursing and Allied Health Research Publication/research support
From Problem to Prevention: Evidence-based public health Public health
Finding and Using Health Statistics Health statistics
  • Listing ID: 3777
  • Subject category: Communicable diseases, Health systems, Health information systems, Medicine, Non-communicable diseases, Nutrition, Public health
  • Database Type: Health Databases
  • More Details:
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