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African Health Organizations

Explore a directory of organizations dedicated to advancing health and healthcare in Africa. This directory includes non-governmental and governmental organizations, networks, partnerships, academic institutions, UN agencies, and African Union entities. From community-based initiatives to cutting-edge healthcare solutions, many of these organizations have a significant presence in Sub-Saharan African countries, with offices and programs spanning across the continent. The directory provides a platform to learn more about the African health organizations working tirelessly to improve healthcare in Africa and to discover new opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing.

AfriKids aims to ensure that every child in Ghana is afforded his/her rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. To achieve this,...

 Non-Government Organization / 408 views

Afya is a not-for-profit organization that provides an environmentally-sensitive, community-oriented solution to help address the critical shortage of medical supplies in underserved communities around the world. Afya strengthens...

 Non-Government Organization / 482 views

The Aga Khan University Medical College, East Africa is offering medical education and research. The college offers a variety of programs for aspiring healthcare professionals and is committed...

 Academic institution / 8 views

HDSS provides a research platform for the Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit of the Medical Research Council (MRC) and University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa...

 Academic institution / 712 views

AFSA is an anti-AIDS NGO in South Africa that supports regional, local and national efforts to reduce HIV, STIs and TB infections. The charity aims to address the structural and social drivers of...

 Non-Government Organization / 476 views

AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria (APIN) is a non-governmental organization that focuses on preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria through awareness, education, and access to testing and...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

AWA is an entity of the African Union with the specific mandate to lead advocacy, accountability and resource mobilization efforts to advance a robust African response to end...

 African Union initiative / 769 views

Alliance for Public Health Africa works to improve public health outcomes in Africa through advocacy, research, and capacity-building initiatives. The organization focuses on addressing key health challenges such...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

Amani Global Works saves lives in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, using Idjwi Island as a model. Founded in 2010 by Dr. Jacques Sebisaho and his wife,...

 Private company / 379 views

The College of Medicine trains medical doctors for the sustenance and development of health care delivery in Nigeria.  The medical laboratory sciences and physiology aim to produce medical...

 Academic institution / 409 views

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