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AIM is a collaboration of organizations to accelerate integrated management of NTDs. AIM partners with Ministries of Health, NGOs, research institutions, private sector and others to map cases...

 Partnership / 375 views

ACOMIN is a civil society organization focused on advocating for malaria control, immunization, and nutrition programs in Nigeria. They work to raise awareness, mobilize resources, and collaborate with...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 19 views

AAH-I is an Africa focused international NGO that works with communities in Africa, particularly women, children and youth, to sustainably improve their quality of life. The health program...

 Non-Government Organization / 544 views

The Africa Centre for Epidemiology aims to improve public health outcomes and contribute to the advancement of epidemiology in Africa and beyond. The Center conducts research, training, and...

 Government health organization / 9 views

Africa Centre for Evidence is a research institute at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. The Centre aims to enhance the utilization of evidence in policymaking and...

 Academic institution / 11 views

The Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies is a joint initiative of the University of KwaZulu Natal and the South African Medical research Council to create a...

 Academic institution / 978 views

Africa CDC was established by the African Union with the purpose of reducing sickness and death by improving prevention, detection, and response to public health threats. The Africa...

 African Union initiative / 985 views

Africa CDC was established by the African Union with the purpose of reducing sickness and death by improving prevention, detection, and response to public health threats. The Africa...

 African Union initiative / 713 views / New

The Network is a group of African and global organizations and individuals already using or wishing to use budget advocacy as a tool to improve health service delivery...

 Non-Government Organization / 1043 views / Popular

Africa Health Business is dedicated to enhancing healthcare services in Africa through innovative strategies. They collaborate with governments, NGOs, and the private sector to improve healthcare systems, make...

 Private company / 18 views

Africa Health Foundation is a non-profit organization that donates medical equipment to hospitals in Africa. The charity helps to solve some of the challenges of healthcare in the...

 Non-Government Organization / 485 views

AHI is dedicated to promoting young people’s health and development to ensure their successful transition to healthy and productive adulthood. The programs target at addressing adolescent health. The...

 Non-Government Organization / 341 views

AHO is an international health agency covering the African continent and the diaspora. The organization provides both technical cooperation and health service delivery. AHO aims to lead strategic...

 Non-Government Organization / 358 views

The Africa Health Research Institute is a transdisciplinary scientific research institute and its vision is optimal health and well-being of under-resourced populations. AHRI’s research combines population, basic and translational, social,...

 Private company / 13 views

Africa Healthcare Network is committed to bringing sustainable change to those affected by kidney disease in Africa. The Network brings world-class technical expertise combined with developing world practical...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 641 views

AFROHUN is advancing One Health in Africa by working with partner universities, governments, communicates, civil society and funding agencies in different parts of the world. It provides a...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 7 views

AfrIPEN is a partnership among various institutions and individuals with the vision to establish inter-professional education and collaborative practice (IPE) as an integral part in training the health...

 Partnership / 1712 views / Popular

Africa Leadership and Management Academy is a leadership school that was born to fill the gap for leaders of integrity to spearhead Africa’s transformation. Its vision is ‘Premier...

 Academic institution / 7 views

AMHF is a non-profit organization dedicated to research in mental and neurological health and substance use to generate evidence for policy and best practice in the provision of...

 Non-Government Organization / 1141 views / Popular

AMHRTF is an NGO dedicated to research in mental and neurological health as well as substance use research to generate evidence for policy and best practice in the...

 Non-Government Organization / 389 views

The Africa Public Health Foundation exists to forge partnerships and mobilise resources to support critical public health initiatives across the continent, in support of the Africa CDC and...

 Non-Government Organization / 10 views

The Africa Public Health Network aims to improve public health in Africa through research, training, advocacy, and networking. Through partnerships with various stakeholders, the network works to strengthen...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

ACHEST is a Uganda-based organization that aims to improve healthcare access and drive social transformation in Africa by strengthening health systems, improving health policy and governance, conducting research,...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 8 views

ACPF is a non-profit, pan-African institution for policy research and advocacy on children in Africa. In partnership with governments and rights-based organizations in Africa and around the world,...

 Non-Government Organization / 954 views

The Committee is a group of individuals of high competence in matters of the rights and welfare of the child. The main task of the Committee is to...

 African Union initiative / 911 views

African Community Health Initiative is dedicated to improving the health of African communities through access to healthcare services, health education, and addressing key health challenges. ACHI works with...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

ACHAP provides technical assistance and health-focused capacity building, mainly on HIV and TB prevention, care and treatment. ACHAP’s activities are expanded across the public/population health space providing technical...

 Non-Government Organization / 1121 views / Popular

The African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM) is a broad coalition of national societies, organizations, and individuals from over 40 countries dedicated to securing high-quality emergency care for...

 Alliance/Coalition / 656 views

African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) is a networking and service organization dedicated to improving health outcomes of the communities it serves in liaison with ministries of health and...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

AfroPHC is a forum for health workers on the frontlines of primary care services in health systems of Africa and supporters of the primary health care approach. AfroPHC...

 Forum / 432 views

AFREHealth is an interdisciplinary health professional group that seeks to work with Ministries of Health, training institutions and other stakeholders to improve the quality of health care in...

 Forum / 581 views

African Health Initiative is the initiative of Doris Duke Foundation and aims to strengthen health systems in sub-Saharan Africa by supporting partnerships and large-scale models of care that...

 Other (program/project) / 7 views

AfHEA is an association with a mission of contributing to the promotion and strengthening of the use of health economics and health policy analysis in achieving equitable and...

 African Health Organizations / 260 views

Inspired by potential benefits of Open Educational Resources (OER), over 40 faculty and staff representing eight health science institutions from across Africa came together and established the African...

 Academic institution / 812 views

AHO is a non-governmental organization whose purpose is to advance the course of medicine and health in Africa through cooperation with existing international organizations and agencies. The organization...

 Non-Government Organization / 342 views

The AHN, a non-profit organization, is a coalition of heart foundations, cardiac societies and individuals working in the field of cardiovascular disease in Africa. The Network is part...

 Non-Government Organization / 1172 views / Popular

AFIDEP is an African-led, regional non-profit research policy institute established to help bridge the gaps between research, policy and practice in development efforts in Africa. AFIDEP works towards...

 Non-Government Organization / 239 views

The African Institute in Indigenous Knowledge Systems (AIIKS) focuses on preserving and promoting indigenous knowledge systems within Africa. The institute conducts research, trains individuals, and advocates for the...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

AIPHP is dedicated to fostering national and international collaboration among public health professionals and fellows. The Institute provides updated knowledge and skills to public health professionals. It contributes...

 Alliance/Coalition / 521 views

African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation (ANDI) aims to establish a sustainable platform for research and development in Africa to address the continent's health needs. ANDI’s goal...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 16 views

Founded and based in Africa, ANPPCAN promotes child rights and child protection. The Network conducts research and documentation to initiate or strengthen programs for children. Core programs cover:...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 900 views

AORTIC is dedicated to the promotion of cancer control in Africa. The organization aims to transform cancer control in Africa through collaboration in education, capacity building, research, advocacy...

 African Health Organizations / 284 views

African Palliative Care Association is a pan-African organisation ensuring that palliative care is widely understood, integrated into health systems at all levels and underpinned by evidence in order to...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

APHRC is a non-profit organization committed to conducting high-quality, policy-relevant research on the population and health-related issues facing sub-Saharan Africa in the next century. The Center generates and...

 Non-Government Organization / 868 views

African Primary Healthcare Foundation is dedicated to providing healthcare and other related services to underserved communities throughout Africa. The charity aims to provide free healthcare and healthcare education...

 Non-Government Organization / 11 views

African Research Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases is a network of researchers and institutions dedicated to studying and finding solutions for neglected tropical diseases in Africa. Their goal...

 Non-Government Organization / 8 views

ARUA is a network of sixteen leading research universities of the Region that strive to expand and enhance the quality of research done in Africa by African researchers....

 Academic institution / 858 views

The African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) is a non-governmental organization that works to advance the field of laboratory medicine in Africa through advocacy, capacity building, and research....

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

The AU works towards a peaceful, prosperous and integrated Africa. The departments of the AU, among others include rural economy and agriculture, science & technology, women, gender and...

 African Union initiative / 993 views

Africare is an African-American led non-profit international development organization. The charity works to improve the quality of life of the people in Africa having thousands of projects in...

 Non-Government Organization / 1008 views / Popular

AfriKids aims to ensure that every child in Ghana is afforded his/her rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. To achieve this,...

 Non-Government Organization / 408 views

Afya is a not-for-profit organization that provides an environmentally-sensitive, community-oriented solution to help address the critical shortage of medical supplies in underserved communities around the world. Afya strengthens...

 Non-Government Organization / 482 views

The Aga Khan University Medical College, East Africa is offering medical education and research. The college offers a variety of programs for aspiring healthcare professionals and is committed...

 Academic institution / 8 views

HDSS provides a research platform for the Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit of the Medical Research Council (MRC) and University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa...

 Academic institution / 712 views

AFSA is an anti-AIDS NGO in South Africa that supports regional, local and national efforts to reduce HIV, STIs and TB infections. The charity aims to address the structural and social drivers of...

 Non-Government Organization / 476 views

AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria (APIN) is a non-governmental organization that focuses on preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria through awareness, education, and access to testing and...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

AWA is an entity of the African Union with the specific mandate to lead advocacy, accountability and resource mobilization efforts to advance a robust African response to end...

 African Union initiative / 769 views

Alliance for Public Health Africa works to improve public health outcomes in Africa through advocacy, research, and capacity-building initiatives. The organization focuses on addressing key health challenges such...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

Amani Global Works saves lives in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, using Idjwi Island as a model. Founded in 2010 by Dr. Jacques Sebisaho and his wife,...

 Private company / 379 views

The College of Medicine trains medical doctors for the sustenance and development of health care delivery in Nigeria.  The medical laboratory sciences and physiology aim to produce medical...

 Academic institution / 409 views

amfAR is dedicated to ending the global AIDS epidemic through innovative research and education. They work to accelerate the pace of HIV/AIDS research and ensure the development of...

 Non-Government Organization / 8 views

AMMREN is a network of African journalists and scientists working together to reduce the burden of malaria, which is endemic in most parts of Africa. The organization is...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 735 views

AMPATH Kenya, or the Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare, is a partnership between Moi University School of Medicine, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, and a consortium of...

 Partnership / 7 views

AMREF Health Africa strives to improve the health of disadvantaged people in Africa. The charity operates in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, West Africa and Zambia....

 Non-Government Organization / 975 views

Anova Health Institute focuses on advancing public health and healthcare services through research, training, and technical assistance programs. They specialize in HIV prevention, treatment, and care, as well...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

Association of Palliative Care Centres in South Africa comprises accredited palliative care providers, primarily hospices, who conform to the Standards for Palliative Healthcare Services. Their focus involves providing...

 Non-Government Organization / 11 views

Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) is dedicated to enhancing the health and welfare of individuals and families. Their initiatives encompass areas such as reproductive health, sexual...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

AAWORD is a pan-African, non-profit organization with more than 1000 members. The Association undertakes and supports research, training and advocacy with the intention of promoting the economic, political...

 Non-Government Organization / 886 views

ASPHA serves the collective needs of member institutions in the education and training of public health professionals by building their capacity to maximize and excel in academic training...

 Alliance/Coalition / 259 views

The School of Public and Allied Health seeks to promote and improve medical care and health of all individuals, while preventing, diagnosing and controlling diseases, through education and...

 Academic institution / 179 views

BasicNeeds US supports individuals with mental illnesses in low-resource settings globally by providing technical assistance, grants, and advocacy. The charity provides financial support and technical assistance to community...

 Non-Government Organization / 8 views

Go Further is a public-private partnership between the U.S. PEPFAR, the George W. Bush Institute, UNAIDS, Merck, and Roche. The partnership is implementing a strategy to end cervical...

 Non-Government Organization / 362 views

The School of Medicine at Cairo University is renowned for its medical education and research. It provides a diverse array of undergraduate and postgraduate programs with the goal...

 Academic institution / 11 views

Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) is dedicated to fighting cancer and providing support to those affected by the disease. CANSA offers a range of services including cancer...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

CARMMA was launched to trigger concerted action towards improving maternal and newborn health and survival across the continent. The Campaign aims to expand the availability and use of...

 African Union initiative / 746 views

The Center for Health, Human Rights and Development advocates for the right to health and works to ensure access to quality healthcare for all individuals in Uganda. They...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

CRH, located in the School of Nursing and Public Health at the University of Kwazulu-Natal, aims to improve the health care offered to impoverished people living in rural...

 Other (program/project) / 705 views

CAFS is dedicated to strengthening the capacities of organizations and individuals working in the field of health, HIV & AIDS, population and development to contribute to improving the...

 Non-Government Organization / 735 views

CEOHR was formed within the School of Public Health and Family Medicine at the University of Cape Town. The Center is made up of several research programs, reflecting...

 Academic institution / 657 views

CHP is a multi-disciplinary health policy unit in South Africa and an academic research group . The primary focus of its research is to draw together theoretical insights...

 Academic institution / 284 views

CHESTRAD is a non-profit social enterprise registered in Nigeria, UK and USA. The programs are initiatives run by CHESTRAD either solely or in collaboration with its partners, with...

 Social enterprise / 565 views

Centre for Health Solutions- Kenya works to improve the health and wellbeing of communities in Kenya through research, advocacy, and program implementation. They focus on a wide range...

 Non-Government Organization / 4 views

CIDER is located in the School of Public Health and Family Medicine at the University of Cape Town. The Center works closely with provincial and national government and...

 Academic institution / 727 views

Centre for Integrated Health Programs is dedicated to promoting better health outcomes for all Nigerians through the creation of sustainable systems and partnerships by applying our collective learnings and...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

CPRDS is a development think tank that engages in robust policy research and development planning to proffer local solutions to development issues. It employs a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral...

 African Health Organizations / 338 views

The CSA&G, based at the University of Pretoria, develops a range of interventions to address the social drivers and the social consequences of AIDS. The Center strives for...

 Academic institution / 757 views

CAPRISA was founded by the Universities of Natal, Cape Town, and the Western Cape, the Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York, and the National...

 Academic institution / 266 views

The website provides statistics and information about children in South Africa. These include: demography, living conditions, care arrangements, basic health care services, nutrition, violence, abuse and protection, housing,...

 Academic institution / 641 views

The Children's Institute takes the best interests of children into account and is aimed at ensuring that children are given primary consideration by society. Thus, the Institute promotes...

 Non-Government Organization / 731 views

The ECSA-HC is an inter-governmental health organization that fosters and promotes regional cooperation in health among member states that are Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Eswatini, United Republic of...

 Government health organization / 327 views

The Christian Health Association of Kenya is a non-profit organization that works to improve the health and well-being of communities in Kenya through the provision of healthcare services,...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

Communities Health Africa Trust (CHAT) works to improve the health and well-being of communities in Kenay through various programs and initiatives. Their focus areas include maternal and child...

 Non-Government Organization / 4 views

CBR Africa Network (CAN) facilitates information sharing on disability, CBR and inclusive development within Africa and across the World. It is an African regional affiliate of the CBR Global...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

CINCO works towards building sustainable community development avenues to improving health, social services and entrepreneurship, disaster relief and advocacy. It designs, implements and evaluates a multi-component evidence based...

 Non-Government Organization / 256 views

CWGH works to enhance community participation in health through advocacy, networking and capacity development for the attainment of the Right to Health and Equitable Health Services in Zimbabwe....

 Non-Government Organization / 768 views

CCBRT provides community-level rehabilitation services like physical and occupational therapy to empower people with disabilities for full societal participation. It promotes inclusion in education, employment, and social activities,...

 Non-Government Organization / 4 views

CREHS generates knowledge about how to strengthen health system policies and interventions in ways that preferentially benefit the poorest. The Consortium aims to achieve this aim by working...

 Partnership / 232 views

CSIR works to help improve the health of all South Africans. Health projects include TB diagnostic development, technology for better healthcare, air pollution and cancer. To combat the...

 Government health organization / 656 views

The Desmond Tutu Health Foundation works to improve the health and well-being of communities through research, education, and advocacy in South Africa. The Foundation focuses on addressing health...

 Non-Government Organization / 8 views

East Africa Medical Assistance Foundation (EAMAF) is dedicated to improving healthcare in East Africa, specifically Tanzania. EAMAF focuses on enhancing healthcare access, quality, and outcomes for marginalized communities...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

The ECSA-HC is an inter-governmental health organization that fosters and promotes regional cooperation in health among member states that are Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Eswatini, United Republic of...

 Government health organization / 434 views

The Eastern Cape Department of Health aims to provide and ensure accessible, comprehensive, integrated health services in the Eastern Cape by emphasizing in the primary health care approach...

 Academic institution / 714 views

Egypt Cancer Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about cancer, providing support to cancer patients and their families, and facilitating access to treatment and care....

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

The Egyptian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics is dedicated to advancing and promoting the field of women's health in Egypt. They work to improve the standards of gynaecological...

 Alliance/Coalition / 8 views

Egyptian Society for Women's Health is dedicated to promoting and protecting the health and rights of women in Egypt. They work to raise awareness about women's health issues,...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

eHealth Africa aims to build stronger health systems through the design and implementation of data-driven solutions that respond to local needs and provide underserved communities with tools to...

 Non-Government Organization / 453 views

The ELMA Philanthropies Services is the services arm of The ELMA Group of Foundations. The ELMA Foundation aims to improve the lives of Africa’s children and youth through...

 Partnership / 681 views

End Child Marriage Now Campaign is aimed at promoting, protecting and advocating for the rights of women and girls in Africa. The overall purpose for the Campaign is...

 African Union initiative / 681 views

The mission of the Ensign Global College is to produce, share, and implement knowledge, and train leaders to promote community health and prevent disease through equitable partnership. The...

 Academic institution / 282 views

EQUINET is a network of professionals, civil society members, policy makers, state officials and others in East and Southern Africa, who have come together to promote and realize...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 644 views

Evidence Aid works to ensure that humanitarian actors have access to best evidence, presented in clear, simple formats, so that they can design and deliver the interventions that...

 Government health organization / 200 views

Family Health Options Kenya is a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive family planning and reproductive health services to individuals and families in Kenya. They offer a range of...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

FEDOMA is an umbrella organization of persons with disabilities in Malawi to provide a unified voice for all disabled peopled organizations. FEDOMA has a specific mandate as the...

 Non-Government Organization / 251 views

Finemind provides counseling services and adjacent mental health programs in communities in Uganda that have suffered from societal and intergenerational trauma from civil war, refugee migration, AIDS and...

 Non-Government Organization / 8 views

FAME is a health service agency that focuses on advancing quality medical care in rural Tanzania. It supports underserved populations in the most rural parts of the country....

 Non-Government Organization / 301 views

Gamjul Moms & Babies is dedicated to providing support and resources for mothers and babies in underserved communities, with a focus on promoting maternal and child health and...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital is a leading pediatric hospital located in Nairobi, Kenya. They provide specialized care for children and their families in a variety of medical specialties, including...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

GAA is a non-profit organization that partners with local not-for-profit agencies, faith-based organizations, and community groups in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Alliance designs and develops innovative programs that address...

 Non-Government Organization / 323 views

GEMNet-Health aims to empower member institutions to ensure access to quality monitoring and evaluation training, research, and services. The Network fosters organizational growth, collaboration, and peer-to-peer support for...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 242 views

Global Health Corps works to build the next generation of global health leaders. Through their fellowship program, they place young professionals in placements with organizations working to improve...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

The Faculty of Health Sciences supports national government and international community to develop health workforce in evolving context for sustainable development.  Specifically the Faculty is the home to...

 Academic institution / 223 views

HHA is a collaborative initiative by AfDB, GHWA, JICA, NORAD, UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, USAID, WHO and WB to provide regional support to governments in Africa in strengthening their...

 Partnership / 707 views

Hayat Foundation aims to meet the needs of communities in parts of Africa where the needs are many. The charity works to establish medical centers, equip hospitals, dig...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

HAF is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide donated medical equipment and supplies to under-resourced healthcare facilities in Liberia and other African countries. By working in...

 Non-Government Organization / 326 views

Health Builders aims to strengthens management of health systems and is focused on enhancing access to quality healthcare in Rwanda. They partner with key stakeholders to address healthcare...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

The Health Development Initiative works to improve health outcomes in sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, and HIV/AIDS. HDI partners with communities and government to provide education and...

 Non-Government Organization / 9 views

HEARD, based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, is an applied research center that brings together interdisciplinary teams to solve complex health problems on the African continent. The Division...

 Academic institution / 661 views

HISP-South Africa develops and implements innovative health information systems. The solutions empower healthcare workers and decision-makers to improve the coverage, quality and efficiency of health services. HISP focuses...

 Non-Government Organization / 405 views

Health Initiatives for Safety and Stability in Africa program aims to enhance the health and overall wellness of individuals in Nigeria by offering essential healthcare services, advocating health...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

HERFON is a non-profit organization informing and influencing health partnership, advocacy, capacity building, and evidence generation and use. The Foundation functions as the coalition brainpower of civil society...

 Non-Government Organization / 1388 views / Popular

Health Strat aims to improve the quality and accessibility of health services through innovative and sustainable solutions. They work in areas such as HIV prevention, care, and treatment,...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

HST, a non-profit organization, has played a significant role in the transformation of the South African health system. HST’s approach is based on the primary health care philosophy...

 Non-Government Organization / 576 views

The Health Systems Training Network works to improve healthcare systems in Liberia through training and capacity building initiatives. They aim to strengthen the workforce and infrastructure of the...

 Non-Government Organization / 14 views

The Healthy Newborn Network is an online global community of maternal and newborn health professionals and practitioners dedicated to addressing critical knowledge gaps in newborn health. The majority...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 627 views

The Foundation for Restoring Women’s Healthcare to Liberia, also known as Healthy Women Healthy Liberia, is an NGO attempting to encourage health and health education for patients through comprehensive, sustainable, community-based...

 Government health organization / 356 views

HMNI is a women/youth-run and NGO committed to improving the reproductive, maternal, and newborn health outcomes and reducing deaths in Liberia and beyond through sustainable and evidence-based interventions.

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

The High Institute of Public Health strives to be an academic center of excellence in the Middle East, providing leadership in creating and delivering knowledge, skills and expertise for sound...

 Academic institution / 281 views

The mission of the Faculty of Health Sciences is to provide the latest and up-to-date education of the highest quality in order to produce ethical and competent health...

 Academic institution / 248 views

The Ifakara Health Institute aims to create a healthy and empowered population with access to evidence-based health services and solutions. They plan to achieve this vision by becoming...

 Non-Government Organization / 4 views

Impact Research and Development Organization is committed to improving public health and development through community-based research and programs, with a focus on HIV prevention in Kenya. Funding from...

 Non-Government Organization / 3 views

IAC is an umbrella body that has been working on policy programs and actions to prevent and eliminate traditional practices that are harmful to or impede the health,...

 Partnership / 736 views

The mission of icipe is to use insect science for sustainable development to ensure food security and improve the overall health of communities in Africa by addressing the...

 Government health organization / 276 views

Around the world, IFRC’s thousands of volunteers work in communities to promote and improve health, prevent diseases and demonstrate positive values through their actions. Primary health care activities...

 African Health Organizations / 626 views

The main objectives of the ILO in Africa are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues. Areas...

 UN agency / 707 views

IPPFAR is the leading Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) service delivery organization and the leading SRH and sexual rights advocacy voice in Africa. The programs of the Federation...

 Non-Government Organization / 936 views

Jacaranda Health believes that every mother deserves a dignified childbirth and every newborn deserves a safe start in life. It works with governments in Sub-Saharan Africa to implement...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

The School of Health Sciences was founded with a mission to provide a holistic approach to health services to humanity mediated by sciences and technology. The two departments...

 Academic institution / 320 views

UNAIDS is leading the global effort to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. UNAIDS works in East and...

 UN agency / 682 views

The College of Health Sciences is in close touch with the healthcare needs of Kenyan people and the government both at national county levels. The college was also...

 Academic institution / 466 views

Journalists Against AIDS (JAAIDS) Nigeria is a media-based non-governmental HIV/AIDS advocacy organization. The organization aims to contribute to the prevention, care and control of HIV/AIDS by providing innovative...

 Non-Government Organization / 219 views

Keep a Child Alive provides treatment, care, and support to children and families affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa and India. The organization works to ensure access to life-saving...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

Kenya Hospices and Palliative Care Association provides support, advocacy, and training for hospices and palliative care providers in Kenya. KEHPCA works to ensure that individuals facing life-threatening illnesses...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

Kenya Medical Association is representing medical practitioners in Kenya. It works to advance the interests of healthcare professionals, promote high standards of medical practice, and advocate for the...

 Non-Government Organization / 4 views

KEMRI aims to improve health and quality of life through research, capacity building, innovation and service delivery. The Institute’s scientific programs include: public health & health systems; sexual...

 Government health organization / 177 views

Kenya Medical Women's Association (KMWA) focuses on empowering women in the medical field in Kenya. It aims to promote the professional growth and advancement of female healthcare professionals,...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

KeNAAM is committed to scaling up effective malaria interventions and addressing related diseases and conditions among vulnerable communities in Kenya. The resources section has technical reports, policy analysis,...

 Alliance/Coalition / 299 views

Kenya Pediatric Association (KPA) aims to promote the health and well-being of children in Kenya. The association provides support, training, and resources for pediatricians and other healthcare professionals...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

Kheth’Impilo specializes in solution development and implementation for health and community systems and services strengthening in marginalized communities. The comprehensive health care solutions include treatment, care and support...

 Non-Government Organization / 534 views

Kibabii University School of Nursing seeks to prepare professional, responsive and innovative nurses and midwives who can meet the dynamic health care needs of Kenyans.  The School’s research...

 Academic institution / 268 views

KMET is dedicated to improving health and education services across Kenya. The charity focuses on maternal, child, and family health, serving underserved communities in Kenya and regions in...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

The vision of the College of Health Sciences is to be internationally recognized as a premier centre of excellence in teaching, research and entrepreneurial training in medical, pharmaceutical...

 Academic institution / 402 views

The Lagos State University College of Medicine specializes in medical education and training. It offers a variety of programs aimed at producing highly skilled healthcare professionals. Through research...

 Academic institution / 8 views

Last Mile Health focuses on bringing healthcare to remote and underserved communities. They train community health workers and provide life-saving medical care to those in need. The charity...

 Non-Government Organization / 8 views

Laterite is a data, research and technical advisory firm that helps clients understand and analyse complex development challenges. The firm embraces and deploys innovative research technologies and methodologies....

 Private company / 516 views

lemlem Foundation, lemlem’s philanthropic arm, is a non-profit organization with the mission to help women artisans in Africa thrive by connecting them to healthcare, education and pathways to...

 Non-Government Organization / 436 views

Living Goods aims to save lives, reduce poverty, and empower women through improved healthcare access. They use a network of community health workers to provide essential health products...

 Non-Government Organization / 4 views

The Lesotho Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS is dedicated to advocating for and supporting individuals living with HIV/AIDS. They provide education, resources, and empowerment to help improve...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

LVCT Health is implementing health programs at scale in Kenya and beyond with a vision of Empowered Healthy Communities. They lead in creating and executing innovative health programs...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

 Non-Government Organization / 483 views

The Makerere University, School of Public Health has: Department of community health & behavioral sciences; Department of disease control & environmental health; Department of epidemiology & Department of ...

 Academic institution / 685 views

Management and Development for Health (MDH) aims to contribute to the overall improvement of health and well-being in Tanzania. They work to build local capacity, strengthen health systems,...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

The School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences Departments include: Nutrition, Health Profession Educations, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Optometry & Vision Sciences and Sports & Health Promotion. The School has...

 Academic institution / 162 views

The MRC/UVRI is an internationally recognized center of excellence for research on HIV infection, AIDS and related diseases. It contributes knowledge on the evolving epidemic, the evaluation of...

 Government health organization / 840 views

Medical Technology SA is a company specializing in the development and production of advanced medical devices. Their products focus on areas such as diagnostic imaging, surgical tools, and...

 Private company / 1099 views / Popular

MEWATA is dedicated to supporting and empowering women in the medical field in Tanzania. They offer networking, mentorship, and educational resources to help women progress in their medical...

 Other (program/project) / 7 views

Doctors with Africa CUAMM is a non-profit organization focused on healthcare. CUAMM works to protect and improve the wellbeing and health of vulnerable communities in seven Sub-Sahara African...

 Non-Government Organization / 874 views

The School of Health Sciences believes in the mantra “Prevention is Better than Cure” in order to prevent and control diseases affecting the people of Kenya. It is committed...

 Academic institution / 307 views

The Ministry of Public Health is responsible for making quality health care accessible to all Congolese, whether they live in urban or rural areas. The Ministry ensures the...

 Government health organization / 358 views

The Ministry of Health- Djibouti is responsible for implementing government health policy, including developing, implementing and coordinating health policy by ensuring and promoting good physical, mental and social...

 Government health organization / 538 views

The Ministry of Health’s mission is to relentlessly promote, protect and restore the health, quality of life and dignity of all people in Seychelles, with the active participation...

 Government health organization / 406 views

The Ministry of Health has the mandate of stewardship and leadership of the health sector. The Ministry is responsible for policy review and development, supervision of health sector...

 Government health organization / 740 views

The Ministry of Health is mandated to the overall and oversight and delivery of health care services in Botswana with strong emphasis on public health. The Ministry aims...

 Government health organization / 287 views

The Ministry of Health is committed to the provision of quality health care services to the people of Gambia. The publications pages have policy documents, statistics, manuals and guidelines, facts...

 Government health organization / 350 views

The Ministry of Health seeks to improve the health status of all people living in Ghana thereby contributing to Government’s vision of universal health coverage and a healthy...

 Government health organization / 413 views

The Ministry of Health – Kenya envisions a healthy, A Healthy, productive and globally competitive nation.  The Ministry aims to build a progressive, responsive and sustainable health care...

 Government health organization / 429 views

The Ministry of Health’s mission is to provide an efficient and compassionate health care and social welfare system, with particular emphasis on the prevention and eradication of priority...

 Government health organization / 509 views

The mission of the Ministry of Health is to provide strategic leadership for the delivery of a comprehensive range of quality, accessible, and efficient health services to all...

 Government health organization / 187 views

The Ministry of Health prepares and implements government policy in the area of ​​health. It exercises oversight over public institutions and other bodies under its authority, in accordance with...

 Government health organization / 641 views

The Ministry of Health – Nigeria aims to develop and implement policies that strengthen the national health system for effective, efficient, accessible and affordable delivery of health services...

 Government health organization / 329 views

The mission of the Ministry of Health is to provide and continually improve affordable promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services of the highest quality, thereby contributing...

 Government health organization / 262 views

The Ministry of Health aims to ensure the provision of quality essential health and nutrition services for all people in Somalia, with a focus on women, children, and...

 Government health organization / 322 views

The purpose of the Ministry of Health and Child Care is to promote the health and quality of life of the people of Zimbabwe. In pursuing this, the...

 Government health organization / 369 views

The Ministry of Health has the overall responsibility for the provision of health services in the Swaziland. The Ministry is committed to developing a competent, dedicated, productive and...

 Government health organization / 232 views

The Ministry of Health aims to ensure a functional national health system delivering efficient, high quality health care services that are accessible, equitable and affordable for everybody in...

 Government health organization / 491 views

The Ministry of Health and Social Action, under the authority of the Prime Minister, plans and implements the country’s health, preventive health and social action plans. The Directorate-General...

 Government health organization / 367 views

The Ministry of Health aims to contribute to the improvement of Malian populations’ health and social condition, in particular, that of women of child bearing age and children...

 Government health organization / 401 views

The Ministry of Health and Social Services Namibia is the public provider of quality health and social welfare services in Namibia. National Directorates include: Primary Health Care Services; Social Welfare Services;...

 Government health organization / 443 views

The Ministry of Health and wellness develops a comprehensive health service in order to meet the health needs of the population. The Ministry plans and carry out measures...

 Government health organization / 597 views

The Ministry of Health – Liberia aims to reform and manage the health sector to effectively and efficiently deliver comprehensive, quality health services that are equitable, accessible and...

 Government health organization / 488 views

The Ministry of Health aims to provide effective quality healthcare services close to the family as possible. This ensures equity of access to health service delivery and contributes...

 Government health organization / 528 views

The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children is mandated for the formulation of polices on health, community development, the elderly, children and gender and their implementation....

 Government health organization / 363 views

The Ministry of Public Health is pursuing policies and strategies for the improvement of public health services in Cameroon.  maternal, newborn and child health.  The site has ministerial...

 Government health organization / 327 views

Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies (MEDS) is dedicated to ensuring the availability and accessibility of essential healthcare products and services in Kenay. MEDS works to improve the...

 Non-Government Organization / 8 views

Mobenzi is an interface technology to empower frontline workers including health workers and to inform decision-makers. It supports community health workers by digitizing health screening, case management, referral,...

 Private company / 818 views

The School of Public Health have been developed to meet the University's mission of producing skilled and practical health professionals who will contribute towards the realization of Kenya’s...

 Academic institution / 397 views

m2m aims to impact the health of mothers by putting them at the heart of improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health. The organization’s Mentor Mother Model...

 Non-Government Organization / 569 views

DPHRU is an extramural research unit based at the University of the Witwatersrand. Addressing national priorities of increasing life expectancy, decreasing maternal and child mortality and strengthening health...

 Academic institution / 890 views

Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences offers a variety of programs in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health, Laboratory and Allied Sciences, both at undergraduate and postgraduate...

 Academic institution / 366 views

NACC aims to provide policy and a strategic framework for mobilizing and coordinating resources for the prevention of HIV transmission and provision of care and support to the...

 Academic institution / 414 views

The National Department of Health aims to improve health status through the prevention of illnesses and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. The Department strives to consistently improve the...

 Government health organization / 712 views

INRB serves as the national biomedical research laboratory for the Ministry of Health of the DRC. It is a multidisciplinary institute that is involved in identification, treatment and...

 Government health organization / 135 views

NICD aims to be a resource of knowledge and expertise in relevant communicable diseases to the South African Government, to Southern African Development Community countries and the African...

 Government health organization / 685 views

NIMR is a public health research institution established to generate scientific information required in the development of better methods and techniques of enhancing disease management, prevention and control...

 Government health organization / 732 views

The NIHSS aims to provide quality education and training in health and social studies at tertiary level, in order to produce reflective, empathetic, self-motivated, highly resourceful professionals, who...

 Academic institution / 306 views

NPHCDA is a parastatal of Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Health with the mandate to providing support to the national health policy for the development of primary health care....

 Government health organization / 710 views

NUDOR is a civil society organization of national organizations of persons with disabilities. The organization exists to strengthen the voice of the disability movement in Rwanda. NUDOR works...

 Non-Government Organization / 264 views

The Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund aims to give voice and dignity to African children by building a rights-based movement. The charity has identified five priority focus areas to...

 Non-Government Organization / 540 views

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control is the country’s national public health institute, with the mandate to lead the preparedness, detection and response to infectious disease outbreaks and...

 Government health organization / 365 views

NCDC is the national public health institute with the mandate to lead the preparedness, detection and response to infectious disease outbreaks and public health emergencies. The Institutes aims...

 Government health organization / 137 views

Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) is a professional association of medical and dental practitioners in Nigeria. The NMA serves as the umbrella organization for doctors and dentists in the...

 Other (program/project) / 7 views

The Department of Community Medicine trains resident doctors in Community Medicine.  The Center for Community Medicine and Primary Health Care is a wing of the Teaching Hospital &...

 Academic institution / 350 views

The Nurse Education Partnership Initiative strives to prepare the next generation of nurses and midwives to lead, change and shape the future of health care in Africa. NEPI...

 Partnership / 362 views

Nyumbani Children’s Home is a refuge for HIV/AIDS-affected children. The charity provides life-saving care and a loving home to HIV-positive children in Kenya. Nyumbani offers a holistic approach...

 Non-Government Organization / 328 views

The Institute of Public Health is within the College of Health Sciences of Obafemi Awolowo University. The Institute’s mission of becoming a centre for generating ideas about health...

 Academic institution / 641 views

Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA) is founded to raise awareness and advocate for policies to address HIV/AIDS in Africa. OAFLA mobilizes resources, builds partnerships, and...

 Non-Government Organization / 4 views

OAFLAD is an advocacy organization where First Ladies of Africa seek to leverage their unique position to advocate for policies that make health services accessible and laws that...

 Partnership / 349 views

Pakachere IHDC is a health communication and development NGO that specializes in social and behavior change communication (SBCC). The organization is dedicated to improving the health of Malawians,...

 Non-Government Organization / 212 views

PASCAR is a society of physicians from across Africa involved in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. The Society is concerned by the lack of progress in...

 Partnership / 651 views

PPD is an intergovernmental initiative created for the purpose of expanding and improving south-to-south collaboration in the fields of reproductive health, population, and development. The activities of PPD...

 Government health organization / 292 views designs and implements mobile technology to improve the lives of women and girls. The organization focuses on creating solutions for mothers and adolescents in low and middle...

 Non-Government Organization / 650 views

PRICELESS SA is a research unit based at Wits University, School of Public Health in the Faculty of Health Sciences. It provides information that will improve the way...

 Academic institution / 732 views

Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA) is promoting public health and enhancing healthcare practices in South Africa. Through advocacy, education, and collaboration with various stakeholders, including government...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust provides support and services to survivors of sexual assault in South Africa. They offer counseling, legal assistance, advocacy, and education to help survivors...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

RIATT is a network of organizations working together to influence global, regional and national policy formulation and implementation for children and their families. Through advocacy and knowledge management,...

 Non-Government Organization / 536 views

Reproductive Health Network Kenya (RHNK) champions comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights. The Network aims to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality rates, particularly focusing on critical factors...

 Non-Government Organization / 10 views

RAN is a partnership of African universities. It is led by Makerere University with Tulane University’s Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy, Stanford University and the Center for Strategic and...

 Partnership / 830 views

Riders for Health specializes in managing and maintaining motorcycles and other vehicles for use in healthcare delivery in remote areas of Africa. The organization helps ensure that healthcare...

 Non-Government Organization / 4 views

Right by Her is working towards one common goal: ‘to realize and extend women’s and girls' rights across Africa’. Each partner organization contributes their own area of expertise...

 Partnership / 274 views

Safe Egypt is dedicated to promoting safety and security in Egypt. They work to raise awareness about important safety issues, provide resources and support to those in need,...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

The Safe Water and AIDS Project (SWAP) is focused on enhancing health outcomes in HIV/AIDS-impacted communities through sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene initiatives. Operating in collaboration with local...

 Non-Government Organization / 7 views

The School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences currently has one department, the Department of Environmental Health. However, when fully operational, it is envisaged that the school...

 Academic institution / 335 views

Kinshasa School of Public Health seeks to contribute to the postgraduate training of all public health actors (doctors, dentists, pharmacists, administrators, nurses, economists, veterinarians, sociologists, etc.) It provides...

 Academic institution / 301 views

Seed Global Health is focused on enhancing healthcare and health outcomes in underserved areas. Their efforts revolve around training and empowering healthcare professionals in regions afflicted by severe...

 Non-Government Organization / 5 views

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University in South Africa offers health sciences education and research programs. The university provides various undergraduate and postgraduate courses designed to train competent healthcare...

 Academic institution / 6 views

Smile for Hope Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged communities by providing access to healthcare, education, and basic necessities. Through various initiatives and programs, the...

 Non-Government Organization / 3 views

SOME Kenya is focusing on aiding vulnerable and marginalized communities in Kenya. Their services include providing food assistance, healthcare, and education to enhance the well-being of those in...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

SAHARA is an alliance of partners established to conduct, support and use social sciences research to prevent further spread of HIV and mitigate the impact of its devastation...

 Partnership / 802 views

SDH-Net aims to strengthen and link research capacities for health and its social determinants in African and Latin American low and middle income countries, in close collaboration with...

 Partnership / 666 views

The Society for Family Health (SFH) is committed to enhancing the health and welfare of families and communities in Namibia. They offer various health services and products, specializing...

 Non-Government Organization / 10 views

SAME Foundation aims to improve healthcare and educational facilities in poverty-stricken communities, where there is no short/medium term government budget for improvements. The NGO undertakes high impact community development projects....

 Government health organization / 257 views

The main purpose of the South African Civil Society for Women's Adolescent's and Children's Health - SACSoWACH Coalition - is advocacy for the health of newborns, children, adolescents,...

 Alliance/Coalition / 311 views

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) is dedicated to raising awareness, providing support, and advocating for the mental health needs of South Africans. SADAG offers a...

 Non-Government Organization / 6 views

SAMRC aims to promote the improvement of the health and quality of life of the population of South Africa through research, development and technology transfer. The scope of...

 Government health organization / 720 views

South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) coordinates the national response to HIV and AIDS in South Africa. It is a government agency that operates as a national multi-sectoral...

 Government health organization / 5 views

The SHARE portal is a regional hub, connecting people to resources, peers, organizations, and free online learning and collaboration tools designed to equip them to share experiences and...

 African Health Organizations / 282 views

SAfAIDS  was established in 1994 with a mission of becoming a centre of excellence that promotes effective and ethical development responses to SRH, HIV and TB integrated with...

 Non-Government Organization / 677 views

SADC aims to attain an acceptable standard of health for all citizens and to reach specific targets within the objective of "Health for All" by promoting, coordinating and...

 Partnership / 593 views

The Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences envisions to be the leading research-intensive health sciences faculty in and for ​Africa.​​​​​ It leads ​by facilitating transformative, life-long learning; creating,...

 Academic institution / 250 views

SANTHE is a collaborative research network in sub-Saharan Africa focused on tuberculosis (TB) and HIV research. It aims to advance scientific knowledge by building research capacity, fostering collaborations...

 Non-Government Organization / 11 views

Supporting the Use of Research Evidence (SURE) is a mechanism to support WHO to strengthen evidence-informed policy-making for African health systems.  SURE builds on and supports the Evidence-Informed...

 Other (program/project) / 444 views

TAMTAM protects women and children in Africa from malaria, the deadliest disease in the history of the world. The charity distributes free bed nets to prevent malaria in...

 Non-Government Organization / 10 views

The Tanzania Diabetes Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of diabetes and providing support to individuals in Tanzania affected by the disease. Their mission is...

 Non-Government Organization / 10 views

The Tanzania Food & Nutrition Centre (TFNC) focuses on promoting nutrition, food security, and wellbeing among the population. TFNC works to address malnutrition, food insecurity, and other nutrition-related...

 Government health organization / 12 views

THPS focuses on improving health outcomes through culturally relevant health promotion programs in HIV/AIDS prevention, reproductive health, maternal and child health, and non-communicable diseases. It provide training to...

 Non-Government Organization / 8 views

The Tanzania Midwives Association supports and empowers midwives in Tanzania through training, resources, and networking opportunities. They advocate for the recognition of midwifery's importance in improving maternal and...

 Partnership / 9 views

The Tanzania Network of Positive Women (TNW+) is dedicated to supporting women and girls living with HIV/AIDS. The Network focuses on providing education, advocacy, and support services to...

 Non-Government Organization / 9 views

The Global Health Network is a digital platform to enable research by sharing tools, resources, knowledge and best practice and methods. It is a place where researchers come...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 1023 views / Popular

The World Bank strategy for Africa is built on looking for opportunities for growth and poverty reduction, mainly to support structural transformation, economic diversification, and inclusion within the...

 UN agency / 723 views

Tostan is an international, non-profit organization with programs in the Gambia, Burkina Faso and Guinea. The organization mobilizes global change and empowers African communities to take charge of...

 Non-Government Organization / 606 views

TAC’s vision is a unified health system that provides equal access to quality and dignified healthcare services for all. Including people who are living with HIV and TB....

 Non-Government Organization / 226 views

USAID supports the development of Africa’s economic growth. The model for development is built on expanding and deepening partnerships with African governments, businesses, universities, and civil society as...

 Government health organization / 646 views

The Uganda AIDS Commission aims to provide effective leadership to the HIV and AIDS multi-sectoral response. The Commission’s mandate is to coordinate and oversee the prevention and control...

 Government health organization / 475 views

The UN ECA is made up of 54 Member States from the Region. ECA operates at the regional and sub-regional levels to harness resources and bring them to...

 UN agency / 691 views

UNOWAS’s activities in the region include: conflict prevention; promoting cooperation; drug trafficking and organized crime; human rights, governance, and gender, women, peace and security. The resources link has...

 UN agency / 656 views

Across Africa, UNHCR works to ensure that the displaced have access to services such as education and health care. The Agency creates safe school environments, improves camp security...

 UN agency / 640 views

UN Women is dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. The organization was established to accelerate progress on meeting women’s needs worldwide. UN Women has regional...

 UN agency / 689 views

Located in Nairobi, Kenya, the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) coordinates and supervises UNICEF’s work in 21 countries; ie, Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Comoros, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya,...

 UN agency / 1021 views / Popular

UNICEF, together with sister UN agencies, and non-profit organizations, is supporting the governments in the West and Central Africa to increase their efforts to ameliorate the situation of...

 UN agency / 859 views

The two main centers of the UN activity in Africa are Nairobi, Kenya and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. There are also many regional and country offices of UN system...

 UN agency / 894 views

UNOPS aims to help people build better lives and countries achieve peace and sustainable development. The UNOPS Africa Regional Office is located in Denmark and there are country...

 UN agency / 902 views

The University of Botswana Faculty of Medicine provides medical education and research opportunities. Through a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, the faculty aims to educate and train...

 Academic institution / 14 views

The Department of Public Health strives to provide quality training through teaching, research, theory and field experience. The Department has different areas of specialization including epidemiology, environmental health,...

 Academic institution / 382 views

The University of Cape Town, Faculty of Health Sciences offers training and academic career options within the context of health care and research from clinical and public health...

 Academic institution / 515 views

The University of Cape Town, Health Economics Unit works to improve the performance of health systems in Sub-Saharan Africa through research in health economics, training, consultancy and capacity-building....

 Academic institution / 364 views

The University of Dar es Salaam, Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences focuses on health and allied sciences. It provides a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate...

 Academic institution / 18 views

The University of Ghana, School of Public Health responds to a growing demand for a cadre of public health practitioners who will provide leadership in public health reforms...

 Academic institution / 325 views

The University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ho (UHAS) currently runs 18 undergraduate programs in 6 schools. Some are the School of Allied Health Sciences, School of Nursing...

 Academic institution / 155 views

The University of Ibadan's College of Medicine in Nigeria is recognized for its teaching and research in healthcare. It provides a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs with...

 Academic institution / 9 views

The Medical School at the University of Jos’s objectives relate to the goals in terms of health care in Nigeria, taking into account the abilities of the nations’...

 Academic institution / 422 views

The School of Medicine is one of the founding Schools of the University of Juba.  Some of the objectives of the School is to produce competent medical practitioners...

 Academic institution / 336 views

The courses offered under the School of Health Sciences include: nursing, public health and clinical medicine. The electronic resources include institutional repository, eJournals and databases and eLearning portal.

 Academic institution / 551 views

The College of Health Sciences is a multi-professional institution of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The College consists of four Schools namely: Health Sciences; Clinical Medicine; Nursing and Public Health;...

 Academic institution / 395 views

The Department of Community health and Primary Care offers courses on the principles and applications of Medical Sociology, Medical Statistics, Epidemiology, Environmental and Occupational Health, Principles and practice...

 Academic institution / 385 views

The Faculty of Health Sciences is committed to training of high caliber healthcare professionals and innovative researchers in emerging health challenges and its professionals are at the forefront of...

 Academic institution / 350 views

The University of Namibia, School of Public Health within the Faculty of Health Sciences strives to strengthen learners’ experience, engage in curricular innovation, foster leadership in socially responsible...

 Academic institution / 545 views

The Institute of Public Health aims to provide quality training in public health, and in response to the pressing need that exists to expand the human resource capacity...

 Academic institution / 416 views

The College of Health Sciences has currently four faculties operating: Clinical Sciences, Basic Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Dentistry.  There are twenty eight Departments currently in the college. The University’s...

 Academic institution / 614 views

The University of Pretoria's Faculty of Health Sciences in South Africa focuses on producing skilled healthcare professionals through innovative teaching, research, and collaborations with healthcare institutions.

 Academic institution / 6 views

The University of Pretoria, School of Health Systems & Public Health aims to promote health, health systems and public health through education, research, service development, consultancy and advocacy....

 Academic institution / 319 views

The Department of Health Studies at Unisa aims to meet the need of thousands of nurses for post-registration distance education at University level. The Department provides a means...

 Academic institution / 429 views

The School is designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Human Resource for Health Development. It hosts two South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChi)...

 Academic institution / 831 views

Established in 1993, the School is unique in many respects both in South Africa and in the continent. Popular in South Africa and other African countries for its...

 Academic institution / 327 views

The University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, has a Faculty of Health Sciences, which offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in healthcare fields. The...

 Academic institution / 7 views

The University of Zambia School of Medicine focuses on medical education and training. It offers a range of programs to produce healthcare professionals. Through research and quality education,...

 Academic institution / 6 views

The University of Zimbabwe's Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences is offering medical education and research opportunities through a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Collaborations with...

 Academic institution / 11 views

The Faculty of Allied Health Sciences aims to train nurses and allied health workers who will provide the nursing and allied health services to the Northern Nigeria. Its...

 Academic institution / 358 views

age Health Works provides holistic healthcare services to communities in need. They focus on primary healthcare, education, and community development initiatives to improve the overall well-being of individuals...

 Non-Government Organization / 14 views

The Viva Foundation is an NGO that strives to be instrumental in transforming high-priority poverty areas, such as informal settlements, into stable, economically sustainable communities that provide civilians with education,...

 Non-Government Organization / 413 views

WACI Health is an African regional advocacy organization committed to creating political will to end life-threatening epidemics and improve health for all in Africa by influencing political priorities...

 Non-Government Organization / 814 views

The Wellbeing Foundation’s mission is anchored on the successful delivery of The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3, 5 & 6. The Wellbeing Foundation Africa strives to educate, empower,...

 Non-Government Organization / 318 views

Wellcome Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Africa (CIDRI-Africa) fosters investigator-led approaches via the overarching scientific objective of combatting infection, especially HIV-1 and tuberculosis, through clinical and laboratory...

 Other (program/project) / 9 views

WAHF is a non-profit organization on a mission to address the poor health and nutritional status of people, particularly children and women, of the West African sub-region. WAHF...

 Non-Government Organization / 373 views

WAHO is a specialized institution of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) responsible for health issues. WAHO’s objective is the attainment of the highest possible standard...

 Partnership / 997 views

Women Fighting AIDS in Kenya is a network of organizations and individuals that aims to reduce stigma, increase access to treatment and support, and promote gender equality in...

 Non-Government Organization / 8 views

Women's Health and Action Research Centre (WHARC) focuses on advancing women's health through research, advocacy, and capacity-building programs. They address issues like maternal mortality, reproductive health, gender-based violence,...

 Non-Government Organization / 10 views

WHF supports and advocates for Women’s Health in Uganda by bringing communities of women and men together to foster health promotion for the benefit of women. The Foundation’s...

 Non-Government Organization / 433 views

WHO Country Cooperation Strategy on Ethiopia focuses on: health planning; health plan implementation; health priorities; and international cooperation. The publications and media center have resources on a wide...

 UN agency / 627 views

WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. The organization is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health...

 UN agency / 785 views

Youth Health Action Network is reimagining health to effectively engage the African youth in innovatively promoting holistic health in communities across the continent through research, health education, low-cost targeted...

 Non-Government Organization / 9 views

YouthAlive Kenya is focusing on youth empowerment, health, and leadership development through advocacy, education, and community engagement initiatives in Kenya.

 Non-Government Organization / 8 views

Zambart is a research collaboration between the School of Medicine at the University of Zambia and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Zambart supports healthcare advances...

 Academic institution / 746 views