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CSIR works to help improve the health of all South Africans. Health projects include TB diagnostic development, technology for better healthcare, air pollution and cancer. To combat the...

 Government health organization / 666 views

The ECSA-HC is an inter-governmental health organization that fosters and promotes regional cooperation in health among member states that are Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Eswatini, United Republic of...

 Government health organization / 452 views

KEMRI aims to improve health and quality of life through research, capacity building, innovation and service delivery. The Institute’s scientific programs include: public health & health systems; sexual...

 Government health organization / 201 views

The Ministry of Public Health is responsible for making quality health care accessible to all Congolese, whether they live in urban or rural areas. The Ministry ensures the...

 Government health organization / 368 views

The Ministry of Health- Djibouti is responsible for implementing government health policy, including developing, implementing and coordinating health policy by ensuring and promoting good physical, mental and social...

 Government health organization / 552 views

The Ministry of Health’s mission is to relentlessly promote, protect and restore the health, quality of life and dignity of all people in Seychelles, with the active participation...

 Government health organization / 422 views

The Ministry of Health has the mandate of stewardship and leadership of the health sector. The Ministry is responsible for policy review and development, supervision of health sector...

 Government health organization / 754 views

The Ministry of Health is mandated to the overall and oversight and delivery of health care services in Botswana with strong emphasis on public health. The Ministry aims...

 Government health organization / 301 views

The Ministry of Health is committed to the provision of quality health care services to the people of Gambia. The publications pages have policy documents, statistics, manuals and guidelines, facts...

 Government health organization / 364 views

The Ministry of Health seeks to improve the health status of all people living in Ghana thereby contributing to Government’s vision of universal health coverage and a healthy...

 Government health organization / 433 views

The Ministry of Health – Kenya envisions a healthy, A Healthy, productive and globally competitive nation.  The Ministry aims to build a progressive, responsive and sustainable health care...

 Government health organization / 437 views

The Ministry of Health’s mission is to provide an efficient and compassionate health care and social welfare system, with particular emphasis on the prevention and eradication of priority...

 Government health organization / 525 views

The mission of the Ministry of Health is to provide strategic leadership for the delivery of a comprehensive range of quality, accessible, and efficient health services to all...

 Government health organization / 203 views

The Ministry of Health prepares and implements government policy in the area of ​​health. It exercises oversight over public institutions and other bodies under its authority, in accordance with...

 Government health organization / 654 views

The Ministry of Health – Nigeria aims to develop and implement policies that strengthen the national health system for effective, efficient, accessible and affordable delivery of health services...

 Government health organization / 338 views

The mission of the Ministry of Health is to provide and continually improve affordable promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services of the highest quality, thereby contributing...

 Government health organization / 279 views

The Ministry of Health aims to ensure the provision of quality essential health and nutrition services for all people in Somalia, with a focus on women, children, and...

 Government health organization / 335 views

The purpose of the Ministry of Health and Child Care is to promote the health and quality of life of the people of Zimbabwe. In pursuing this, the...

 Government health organization / 390 views

The Ministry of Health has the overall responsibility for the provision of health services in the Swaziland. The Ministry is committed to developing a competent, dedicated, productive and...

 Government health organization / 245 views

The Ministry of Health aims to ensure a functional national health system delivering efficient, high quality health care services that are accessible, equitable and affordable for everybody in...

 Government health organization / 503 views

The Ministry of Health and Social Action, under the authority of the Prime Minister, plans and implements the country’s health, preventive health and social action plans. The Directorate-General...

 Government health organization / 382 views

The Ministry of Health aims to contribute to the improvement of Malian populations’ health and social condition, in particular, that of women of child bearing age and children...

 Government health organization / 416 views

The Ministry of Health and Social Services Namibia is the public provider of quality health and social welfare services in Namibia. National Directorates include: Primary Health Care Services; Social Welfare Services;...

 Government health organization / 461 views

The Ministry of Health and wellness develops a comprehensive health service in order to meet the health needs of the population. The Ministry plans and carry out measures...

 Government health organization / 615 views

The Ministry of Health – Liberia aims to reform and manage the health sector to effectively and efficiently deliver comprehensive, quality health services that are equitable, accessible and...

 Government health organization / 508 views

The Ministry of Health aims to provide effective quality healthcare services close to the family as possible. This ensures equity of access to health service delivery and contributes...

 Government health organization / 545 views

The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children is mandated for the formulation of polices on health, community development, the elderly, children and gender and their implementation....

 Government health organization / 374 views

The Ministry of Public Health is pursuing policies and strategies for the improvement of public health services in Cameroon.  maternal, newborn and child health.  The site has ministerial...

 Government health organization / 340 views

NACC aims to provide policy and a strategic framework for mobilizing and coordinating resources for the prevention of HIV transmission and provision of care and support to the...

 Government health organization / 435 views

The National Department of Health aims to improve health status through the prevention of illnesses and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. The Department strives to consistently improve the...

 Government health organization / 727 views

INRB serves as the national biomedical research laboratory for the Ministry of Health of the DRC. It is a multidisciplinary institute that is involved in identification, treatment and...

 Government health organization / 150 views

NICD aims to be a resource of knowledge and expertise in relevant communicable diseases to the South African Government, to Southern African Development Community countries and the African...

 Government health organization / 699 views

NIMR is a public health research institution established to generate scientific information required in the development of better methods and techniques of enhancing disease management, prevention and control...

 Government health organization / 744 views

NPHCDA is a parastatal of Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Health with the mandate to providing support to the national health policy for the development of primary health care....

 Government health organization / 730 views

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control is the country’s national public health institute, with the mandate to lead the preparedness, detection and response to infectious disease outbreaks and...

 Government health organization / 376 views

NCDC is the national public health institute with the mandate to lead the preparedness, detection and response to infectious disease outbreaks and public health emergencies. The Institutes aims...

 Government health organization / 147 views

SAMRC aims to promote the improvement of the health and quality of life of the population of South Africa through research, development and technology transfer. The scope of...

 Government health organization / 731 views

South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) coordinates the national response to HIV and AIDS in South Africa. It is a government agency that operates as a national multi-sectoral...

 Government health organization / 12 views

The Tanzania Food & Nutrition Centre (TFNC) focuses on promoting nutrition, food security, and wellbeing among the population. TFNC works to address malnutrition, food insecurity, and other nutrition-related...

 Government health organization / 27 views

USAID supports the development of Africa’s economic growth. The model for development is built on expanding and deepening partnerships with African governments, businesses, universities, and civil society as...

 Government health organization / 656 views

The Uganda AIDS Commission aims to provide effective leadership to the HIV and AIDS multi-sectoral response. The Commission’s mandate is to coordinate and oversee the prevention and control...

 Government health organization / 485 views