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Communities at the Heart of UHC is a multiyear global campaign working to leverage political commitments for UHC by promoting community health and its champions from the global to sub-national...

 Alliance/Coalition / 156 views

The Community Health Impact Coalition exists to make professionalized community health workers a norm worldwide. The Coalition catalyzes the adoption of high-impact community health systems design by: identifying practices...

 Alliance/Coalition / 459 views

ECPCP is a pediatric professional organizations from countries within the definition of WHO Europe. It represents more than 25.000 primary pediatricians in 19 European countries organized in 23...

 Alliance/Coalition / 222 views

GBCHealth is a coalition of companies and organizations committed to investing their resources to make a healthier world for their employees, for the communities in which they work...

 Alliance/Coalition / 902 views

GACD is an alliance of the world’s public research funding agencies to support clear priorities for a coordinated research effort that addresses the growing global health crisis. The...

 Alliance/Coalition / 701 views

GCTA is a global platform and a coalition of TB affected communities and their representatives aiming to bring together activists from diverse backgrounds and regions to ensure TB...

 Alliance/Coalition / 669 views

GHTC is an advocacy organization that works to save and improve lives by encouraging research and development of essential health technologies. GHTC is a coalition of more than...

 Alliance/Coalition / 738 views

The International HIV/AIDS Alliance exists to end AIDS through community action. The organization is building knowledge, mobilizing people, inspiring leadership and allowing all voices to play significant roles...

 Alliance/Coalition / 813 views

IWHC advances the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and young people, particularly adolescent girls in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East....

 Alliance/Coalition / 643 views

In advancing its mission, NAC conducts research, does policy analysis, develops national best-practice programs, and works to increase public awareness of family caregiving issues. In addition to national...

 Alliance/Coalition / 299 views

The Coalition is a growing movement for universal health coverage. Universal health coverage means everyone can access quality health services without financial hardship. It is an inherently political...

 Alliance/Coalition / 653 views