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The African Journal of Drug & Alcohol Studies is an international scientific journal. Papers published address any aspect of alcohol and drug use and dependence in Africa and...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 733 views

The journal's primary aim is the publication of review and CME papers, aimed at both primary care practitioners and specialist mental health care professionals. The country of publication...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 723 views

The African Journal of Trauma is a peer-reviewed online journal that covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the field of all...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 727 views

EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences provides a venue for academicians, researchers and students to publish significant empirical and conceptual findings in all the fields of psychology...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 5 views

The Ghana International Journal of Mental Health promotes publication of papers in subject areas that have long been inadequately covered in Ghana and other parts of Africa. In...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 8 views

IFE PsychologIA journal has a multidisciplinary focus. It is not intended for psychologists alone but for anyone with an interest in the current state of psychology in Africa...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 221 views

The Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health aims to contribute towards the development of a robust and inclusive knowledge base for child and adolescent mental health across...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 643 views

Journal of Depression and Anxiety aims to publish on the discoveries and current developments in all areas of anxiety, childhood disorders, depression, and more.

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 199 views

Journal of Psychology in Africa publishes psychological research to advance health development in African communities and its diaspora around the globe.

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 659 views

Mental Health Matters is a distinctive magazine that brings information and resources to general practitioners in their role as first-line caregivers and identifiers of mental health issues. The...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 716 views

New Voices in Psychology is aimed to nurture the work of young researchers and to encourage the development of new ideas in the discipline. The journal carries contributions...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 401 views

The Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology is concerned with the psychological, social, behavioral, medical, paediatric and ethical aspects of the applied field of clinical and counselling psychology. Contributions...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 7 views

The Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry publishes original scientific papers, review articles, short reports and opinion papers in all areas of psychiatry and related fields, such as sociology, applied anthropology and...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 12 views

The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum is written by specialists in the field. It aims to present articles on the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology in South Africa. The...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 699 views

The journal is the leading psychiatric journal of Africa and provides scholarly reading for psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and all with an interest in mental health. It carries empirical...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 583 views

South African Journal of Psychology publishes contributions from all fields of psychology. Priority is given to articles which are relevant to Africa and which address psychological issues of...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 8 views