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Listing Category

Abia State University Medical Students’ Association Journal publishes scientific papers written by and for medical students. The Journal aims to advance biomedical sciences and encourages academic and medical research...

 Medicine / 383 views

Adamawa State University Journal of Scientific Research is a journal for publication of original research articles concerning scientific approaches to sustainable development.  Thematic areas include environmental sciences and...

 Sustainable development Goals / 389 views

Advances in Medical, Pharmaceutical and Dental Research focuses on cutting-edge research in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry. The journal covers topics such as new treatments and...

 African Journals / 16 views

Africa Health is a leading source of clinical and managerial information for health professionals from across Africa. The journal is published by FSG Africa Ltd, based in the...

 Health planning & management / 952 views

Africa Insight is an independent, peer-reviewed, publication that promotes insight into the process of change in Africa. The journal comprises well-researched and referenced information and opinion, written by...

 Environmental health / 1164 views / Popular

The Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal, aims to publish articles on current nursing and health-related issues. The journal encourages debate, both theoretical and...

 Primary Health Care / 1027 views / Popular

Africa Sanguine aims to promote and disseminate the knowledge of the science and practice of blood transfusion and related disciplines, toward greater blood safety, on the African continent....

 General information / 1044 views / Popular

The African Evaluation Journal publishes high quality peer-reviewed articles of merit on any subject related to evaluation. The journal provides targeted information of professional interest to members of...

 Health planning & management / 970 views

The African Health Sciences is an open access online journal publishing original articles on research, clinical practice, public health, policy, planning, implementation and evaluation, in the health and...

 Public health / 1018 views / Popular

The African Journal Archive is a retrospective open access journal service that preserves and makes available African journals dating as far back as 1906.  Medical and health science...

 Medicine / 699 views

AJPHES publishes research papers that contribute to knowledge and practice, and also develops theory either as new information, reviews, confirmation of previous findings, application of new teaching/coaching techniques...

 Public health / 1118 views / Popular

African Journal of AIDS and HIV Research is participating in the Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process) with an additional prepayment of $99 apart from the regular...

 General information / 11 views

African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR) is a peer-reviewed research journal publishing papers that makes contribution to the understanding of social dimensions of HIV/AIDS in African contexts. AJAR...

 Communicable diseases / 1019 views / Popular

The African Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Care focuses on research, education, and practice in the fields of anesthesia and intensive care in Africa. The journal covers a...

 General information / 6 views

The African Journal of Biomedical Research is an academic and professional journal covering all fields within the Biomedical Sciences including the allied health fields. Articles from the physical...

 General information / 1052 views / Popular

African Journal of Cancer publishes research related to cancer in Africa. The journal covers a broad range of topics including cancer epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. It...

 Non-communicable diseases / 4 views

AJCEM focuses on Medical Microbiology including bacteriology, virology, rickettsiology and chlamydiology, Mycology, mycobacteriology and actinomycetes, parasitology, public health microbiology and much more. The Journal is the official Journal of the...

 Non-communicable diseases / 4 views

The African Journal of Dentistry publishes original research articles, reviews, case reports, and short communications on various aspects of dentistry, including oral health, dental materials, restorative dentistry, orthodontics,...

 Oral health / 2 views

The main objective of the ASDI is to create different platforms destined for the professionals of dentistry to communicate their clinical and research work. The journal is hosted...

 Oral health / 175 views

The African Journal of Diabetes Medicine (AJDM) aims to address the disease burden of Diabetes by encouraging research in Africa, especially by Africans. AJDM acts as a platform...

 Non-communicable diseases / 1155 views / Popular

The African Journal of Disability is published for the purpose of advancing scholarship in disability studies and rehabilitation sciences. Emphasis is on all aspects of disability particularity in...

 Disability & rehabilitation / 887 views

The African Journal of Drug & Alcohol Studies is an international scientific journal. Papers published address any aspect of alcohol and drug use and dependence in Africa and...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 733 views

AJESD recognizes the importance of economic development throughout Africa and also the need for this to be sustainable. The Journal aims to develop a deeper appreciation of past, current...

 Sustainable development Goals / 10 views

The African Journal of Emergency Medicine (AfJEM) is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at supporting emergency care across Africa. The journal publishes original research, reviews, brief reports of scientific...

 Disaster management & emergency service / 894 views

African Journal of Emerging Issues is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in health and biological science, medicine, social sciences, technology and innovation and more.

 African Journals / 301 views

African Journal of Food Science publishes original research articles, reviews, and short communications on all aspects of food science, including food chemistry, food technology, food microbiology, food safety,...

 Nutrition / 3 views

The African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) is a peer reviewed journal covering a wide range of scientific and development disciplines, including agriculture, food, nutrition,...

 Nutrition / 707 views

African Journal of Gender and Development focuses on publishing research articles, reviews, and commentary on issues related to gender, women’s studies, and development in Africa. The scope of...

 Gender & development / 5 views

African Journal of Gender and Women Studies  is concern is concerned with the study of gender and its intersection with identity, including race, social inequality, sexuality, class, location,...

 Gender & development / 4 views

African Journal of Gender, Society and Development formerly Journal of Gender, Information and Development in Africa. The African Journal of Gender, Society and Development, is a quarterly, international...

 General information / 4 views

African Journal of Governance and Development is a multidisciplinary publication to share scientific knowledge focused on the interface of governance and development.  The Journal focuses on issues of social, political...

 General information / 271 views

The African Journal of Health and Medical Sciences focuses on various subjects related to health and medicine in Africa. It covers topics such as public health, epidemiology, healthcare...

 African Journals / 13 views

AJHE focuses on publishing research articles, reviews, and policy briefs related to health economics and health systems in Africa. The scope of the journal covers a health financing,...

 Economics / 4 views

African Journal of Health Issues (AJHIssues) is a peer reviewed journal addressing health problems from different perspectives such as medical, public health, psychological and sociologic fields.    

 Primary Health Care / 1317 views / Popular

The African Journal of Health Professions Education (AJHPE) publishes research articles, short scientific reports, letters, editorials, education practice, personal opinion and other topics related to the education of...

 Health promotion & education / 739 views

The African Journal of Health Sciences publishes articles and categories including cancer, HIV/AIDS, public health, tuberculosis, case report and review article. The Journal has been produced by the...

 Public health / 760 views

African Journal of Health, Safety and Environment (AJHSE) publishes research articles, review articles, short reports and letters to the Editor in all areas of public health, safety science...

 African Journals / 374 views

The African Journal of Infectious Diseases (AJID) is a peer-reviewed, international journal that publishes papers that makes original contribution to the understanding of infectious diseases. Reports of research...

 Communicable diseases / 737 views

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research publishes original clinical and laboratory-based research, together with reports of clinical trials, reviews, editorials, short communications, and case reports dealing with the epidemiology,...

 General information / 5 views

African Journal of Information and Knowledge Management is committed to the principles of open access, ensuring that all published content is freely accessible to anyone with an internet...

 General information / 6 views

AJIS aims at disseminating research on ICT within the context of Africa; the innovation and development of ICT solutions for and within this context; impacts of ICT on...

 Health information technology & information management / 355 views

African Journal of Integrated Health (AJIH) publishes articles on the prevention, case management and treatment of endemic and emerging diseases in Cameroon, Africa and other parts of the world,...

 African Journals / 489 views

African Journal of Internal Medicine publishes research articles, reviews, case reports, and letters on internal medicine in Africa. It covers various specialties such as cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology,...

 Medicine / 7 views

AJLM focuses on original research, reviews, and case reports related to laboratory medicine in Africa. The journal covers various areas such as clinical laboratory science, pathology, microbiology, and...

 African Journals / 5 views

African Journal of Malaria and Tropical publishes research on malaria and diseases that are prevalent in or unique to tropical and subtropical regions. The Journal aims to publish...

 Communicable diseases / 6 views

The African Journal of Management Research focuses on topics and themes that cut across organizational/institutional sectors (public, private, non-for-profit) and address matters of theory, research and practice from...

 Health planning & management / 699 views

The African Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, a publication of Federal teaching hospital based in Nigeria. The journal allows free access to its contents and permits authors...

 Public health / 678 views

African  Journal  of  Medical  Sciences (AJMSC) is a medical sciences journal promoting the innovation, advancement and dissemination of basic knowledge in medicine, laboratory technology and other related medical...

 Health information systems / 400 views

The African Journal of Microbiology Research serves as a valuable resource for advancing microbiological research in Africa and globally. The Journal covers subfields like bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology,...

 Diseases/disease control / 5 views

The African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health is a peer-reviewed and evidence-based journal for midwives and nurses. AJM is dedicated to improving maternity care and maternal, newborn...

 Mother, newborn & child health / 1121 views / Popular

The African Journal of Microbiology Research serves as a valuable resource for advancing microbiological research in Africa and globally. The Journal covers subfields like bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology,...

 Diseases/disease control / 3 views

The African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery publishes articles on current nursing and health related issues, and encourages those that exhibit innovative and quantitative research methods and approaches....

 Mother, newborn & child health / 326 views

AJND publishes scholarly works from all areas of nutrition & dietetics. The journal operates under the auspices of MJ & M Biolabs which is a scientific firm founded...

 Nutrition / 3 views

The African Journal of Oral Health (AJOH) is a quarterly publication aimed at disseminating knowledge that will enhance the practice of oral health, particularly in Africa. The Journal...

 Oral health / 794 views

AJPS aims to promote research, post- graduate training and further education among paediatric surgeons, paediatric surgical trainees and paramedical personnel in the surgery of newborn infants and children particularly...

 Child health / 133 views

African Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (AJPT) publishes articles on topics related to basic and applied pharmacology. These include: drug discovery and development, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacogenomics, proteomics, molecular biology,...

 Medical services / 256 views

The African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (AJPP) covers all areas of Pharmaceutical Science such as: pharmaceutical microbiology; molecular modeling; drug delivery; herbal medicines research; food/drug Interaction; herbal...

 Medical services / 889 views

The African Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation sciences (AJPARS) is a peer reviewed scientific publication in the field of physiotherapy, health promotion and rehabilitation sciences. The publications focus...

 Disability & rehabilitation / 900 views

The African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine (PHCFM)l is indispensable for primary health care practitioners, family medicine specialists and. The journal offers an engaging insight...

 Primary Health Care / 725 views

The journal's primary aim is the publication of review and CME papers, aimed at both primary care practitioners and specialist mental health care professionals. The country of publication...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 723 views

Southern African Journal of Public Health incorporating Strengthening Health Systems aims to bridge the divides between academia, policy and implementation in health systems intervention and reform. The Journal...

 African Journals / 306 views

The African Journal of Reproductive Health (AJRH) is a multidisciplinary and international journal that publishes original research, comprehensive review articles, short reports and commentaries on reproductive health in...

 Reproductive & sexual health / 762 views

African Journal of Respiratory Medicine mainly focuses on human pulmonary and respiratory health. Focus topics include the lungs, respiration (oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange), respiratory diseases, epidemiology, treatments,...

 African Journals / 263 views

African Journal of Rheumatology aims to publish basic and clinical research in rheumatology to be a vessel of sharing knowledge across the globe. The readers of the journal...

 Non-communicable diseases / 301 views

The African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation & Development explores agricultural sciences, environmental studies, engineering, and information technology. It promotes research in Africa, seeking innovative solutions to challenges...

 African Journals / 10 views

The African Journal of Sustainable Development is a publication focused on issues related to sustainable development. The journal covers topics including environmental sustainability, economic development, social equity, governance,...

 General information / 9 views

The African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine is a peer-reviewed medical journal covering all aspects of respiratory health. The journal covers both clinical and basic research...

 Communicable diseases / 843 views

The African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative medicines (AJTCAM) publishes peer-reviewed research in all areas of applied medicinal plants, traditional medicines, complementary alternative medicines, food and agricultural...

 Traditional health care & alternative therapies / 835 views

The African Journal of Trauma is a peer-reviewed online journal that covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the field of all...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 727 views

AJWCS focuses on research, reviews, and case reports related to water conservation and sustainability in Africa, specifically in Kenya. The scope of the journal covers topics such as...

 General information / 5 views

African Population Studies/Etude de la Population Africaine is a bilingual journal (English and French). The journal publishes original research on African population, development and related fields. These disciplines...

 Public health / 735 views

The African Research Review (AFRREV) is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal and aims to publish scholarly research outputs on Africa. Its focus is on the broad areas of Africa...

 Sustainable development Goals / 867 views

The African Safety Promotion: A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention (ASP) is a forum for discussion and debate among scholars, policy-makers and practitioners active in the field...

 Injuries / 854 views

The African Vision and Eye Health (AVEH) journal publishes original peer-reviewed papers of scientific and clinical research in optometry, ophthalmology, vision science and other related fields. It is...

 Eye Health / 738 views

Africanus have articles on development problems with special reference to the Third World and Southern Africa as well as politics and policy concerning intergroup relations. The journal is...

 Sustainable development Goals / 691 views

Afrimedic Journal is a multidisciplinary medical journal that publishes and promotes clinical and academic excellence in basic and clinical medical sciences as well as dentistry. The Journals considers...

 Medicine / 295 views

The Afro-Egyptian Journal of Infectious and Endemic Diseases (AJIED) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes clinical, parasitological, microbiological, physiological, biochemical, immunological and pathological studies in the field of...

 Communicable diseases / 781 views

The Agenda journal facilitates dialogue and debates between academic gender researchers, activists within the women’s movement and other segments of civil society. The scope may encompass topics such as promoting...

 Gender & development / 3 views

The Agricultural and Food Science Journal of Ghana publishes papers describing research, observational or experimental and critical reviews in agriculture and food science.

 Nutrition / 297 views

The Ahfad Journal publishes original contributions consisting of reports, researches, literature reviews, historical or critical analyses research notes, and book reviews, or articles pertaining to the status of women in...

 Community development / 171 views

Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences is intended to deal with the basic and clinical research on medical science which is suitable for both medical scientists and practitioners....

 Medicine / 454 views

The Alexandria Journal of Medicine (AJM) is concerned with providing a venue for publication of research, with a particular focus on diseases of high prevalence in Middle East...

 Medicine / 740 views

AJHS is a scientific journal dedicated to all researchers in the field of health sciences and natural and life sciences. This journal publishes updates, original articles, clinical cases /...

 African Journals / 175 views

he ANGOLAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES - REVISTA ANGOLANA DE CIÊNCIAS DA SAÚDE - , under ISSNs (Online: 2789-2832 and Print: 2789-2824), also represented by the acronym RACSaúde,...

 General information / 4 views

The Annals of Pediatric Surgery is a journal that focuses on surgical procedures for children. It covers a wide range of topics including pediatric oncology, congenital malformations, trauma,...

 Child health / 15 views

The African Annales of Medicine is journal that publishes original research articles, clinical observations and commentaries on all aspects of Biomedical Sciences. The Journal has multidisciplinary readership which includes...

 Medicine / 141 views

Annals of Health Science (A2S) is intended for a community of scientists by publishing the recent results of research work. Thus, A2S is led to accept articles of original...

 African Journals / 140 views

The Annals of African Medicine is intended to serve as a medium for the publication of research findings in the broad field of medicine in Africa and other...

 Medicine / 728 views

The Annals of African Surgery aims to provide a medium for the exchange of current information between surgeons in the African region. The journal embraces surgery in all...

 African Journals / 158 views

The Annals of Biomedical Science publishes articles in all aspects of clinical and medical research as well as from fields of basic and applied Biomedical Sciences. The Annals...

 General information / 770 views

The Annals of Health Research is a peer-reviewed journal of medical and health-related sciences to disseminate research work and ideas in the fields of medicine, allied health and...

 Health planning & management / 723 views

The Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine is a peer-reviewed, international journal in different specialties of medical sciences and related subjects. Publications include contributions from all fields of medicine,...

 Medicine / 647 views

The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the most comprehensive and reliable research in medicine (basic and clinical) and health...

 Health planning & management / 666 views

The Annals of Medical Research and Practice is a multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to the publishing of research manuscripts in all fields of medicine.  The Journal publishes manuscripts in...

 Medicine / 152 views

The Annals of Nigerian Medicine is an editorially independent publication by the Association of Resident Doctors of the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. The journal is multidisciplinary...

 Medicine / 678 views

Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health (ATMPH) offer a variety of articles of recent development in tropical medicine, public health and social sciences. It provides timely overview...

 Public health / 1339 views / Popular

The Archives of Medical and Biomedical Research is an international peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal aimed at publishing original research articles, reviews, case reports, research methods, short communications, along with...

 Health planning & management / 794 views

BUMJ is a multidisciplinary journal, published by the Babcock Medical Society that provides rapid publication of peer-reviewed new human research findings in all the specialties of basic health...

 African Journals / 184 views

the Batna Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS) is an Open Access Biomedical Journal. Aim : BJMS was created to highlight the rich output of  medical sciences mainly in Algeria but also...

 Medicine / 6 views

Benha Medical Journal, a publication of Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of scientific researches...

 Medicine / 390 views

The Benin Journal of Post Graduate Medicine (BJPM) publishes scientific articles from every area of Medicine and Dentistry in the form of original articles, literature reviews, case reports...

 Medicine / 667 views

Borno Medical Journal [BOMJ] is a biannual, multidisciplinary medical journal that publishes scientific reports on human subjects in the form of original articles, solicited and unsolicited review articles,...

 Medicine / 722 views

Burns aims to foster the exchange of information among all engaged in preventing and treating the effects of burns. The journal focuses on clinical, scientific and social aspects of...

 Injuries / 280 views

The Calabar Journal of Health Sciences (CJHS) is publishing articles and reports in the field of medicine, basic medical sciences, public health, climate change impact on health; emerging...

 Health information systems / 448 views

The Cardiovascular Journal of Africa is an international peer-reviewed journal that keeps cardiologists up to date with advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. CVJAfrica is...

 Non-communicable diseases / 731 views

The Cardiovascular Journal of Africa (CVJA) keeps cardiologists up to date with advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Topics covered include coronary disease, electrophysiology, valve...

 Non-communicable diseases / 9 views

The Central African Journal of Medicine is a general medical journal which seeks to promote the practice and science of medicine in Africa. Emphasis is placed on general...

 Medicine / 701 views

Child Abuse Research In South Africa promotes academic and professional discourse amongst professionals involved in child-care work in South Africa. It publishes applied, multidisciplinary articles focusing on the...

 Child health / 687 views

The Clean Air Journal delves into research and dialogues concerning air quality and pollution control. It touches on various topics such as atmospheric science, emission control technologies, public...

 Environmental health / 5 views

Commonwealth Youth and Development is a multidisciplinary journal aimed at students, academics, practitioners and policymakers in the field of youth and development. It is a publication that seeks...

 Adolescent health / 614 views

Contemporary Research in Disability and Rehabilitation (CRDR) facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration by publishing innovative qualitative and quantitative empirical research germane to disability, rehabilitation counseling, allied health, and other disability-related fields.

 Disability & rehabilitation / 2 views

The Cross River Journal of Medicine facilitates the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in the field of medicine. The journal publishes information relating to basic medical sciences, medicine,...

 Medicine / 334 views

Curationis is a scholarly research journal that aims to provide a forum for the exploration of issues and experiences relating to nursing and midwifery best practice development through...

 Community health care / 733 views

Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology is produced as a service to understanding and communication in the field of allergy. The Journal is the official journal of the Allergy...

 Non-communicable diseases / 353 views

The journal publishes original research, case report/case series, reviews of health related issues in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, public and allied health sciences. The journal endeavors to disseminate...

 Medicine / 637 views

Diabetes Lifestyle is a community journal for people with diabetes. The journal aims to highlight the extraordinary lives of many people living with diabetes and thereby provide education...

 Non-communicable diseases / 631 views

E3 Journal of Environmental Research and Management (EJERM) is an open access journal that provides publication of articles, short communications and reviews in all areas of the subject....

 Environmental health / 728 views

EAS Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care publishes in clinical specialties of an aesthesia, intensive care, and emergency medicine like anesthetic administration, pain management, critical care, pediatric anesthesia,...

 Disaster management & emergency service / 7 views

EAS Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine publishes in all the fields of dentistry and their applied fields like oral and maxillofacial radiology, oral medicine, oral pathology, orthodontics,...

 Oral health / 4 views

EAS Journal of Nursing and Midwifery publishes empirical and conceptual findings in the fields of nursing and shares the same globally. The scope of the journal includes: nursing...

 Health workforce & training / 8 views

EAS Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences publishes in the fields of nutrition and food sciences and their applied antioxidants and phytochemicals in food, food processing technology, calorie...

 Nutrition / 7 views

EAS Journal of Orthopaedic and Physiotherapy publishes in all the fields of orthopaedic and physiotherapy like Arthroscopy, Biomechanics, Bone Diseases and disorders, bone dislocations, exercise physiology, fractures, joint...

 Disability & rehabilitation / 4 views

EAS Journal of Parasitology and Infectious Diseases” ISSN 2663-0982 (Print) and ISSN 2663-6727 (Online) is monthly, peer reviewed, open access Academic and Research Journal which publishes Full Length...

 General information / 7 views

EAS Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences provides a venue for academicians, researchers and students to publish significant empirical and conceptual findings in all the fields of psychology...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 5 views

The East African Health Research Journal (EAHRJ) aims to present evidence that can be the basis for better health policy and practice in the countries of the East...

 Health planning & management / 363 views

EAHSME focuses on research and findings related to health monitoring and evaluation in East Africa. The scope of the journal includes but is not limited to the monitoring...

 Health planning & management / 9 views

The environment is a shared global home for all humanity. Protecting and conserving it, therefore, becomes a global responsibility. This peer-reviewed journal aims at promoting the natural resource...

 Environmental health / 5 views

The East African Journal of Health aims at advancing scientific knowledge through documenting, preserving and disseminating articles and original researches from health and science. Some of the categories...

 General information / 5 views

The East African Journal of Public Health is a multi-disciplinary journal publishing scientific research work from a range of public health related disciplines including community medicine, epidemiology, nutrition,...

 Public health / 746 views

The East African Journal of Sciences (EAJS) publishes original scientific papers in various disciplines of human and animal health sciences, agriculture, forestry, natural resources, natural sciences and education....

 Public health / 766 views

The East African Medical Journal is intended for publication of papers on original work and reviews of all aspects of medicine. Communications bearing on clinical and basic research...

 Medicine / 668 views

The aim of the journal is to give orthopaedic surgeons, technologists and other personnel within the orthopaedic specialty a forum for disseminating their research findings to the rest...

 Injuries / 715 views

East African Scholars Journal of Medical Sciences publishes in all specialties and sub-specialties under medical sciences. The scope of the journal includes: basic and clinical medicine, public health...

 Medicine / 3 views

East and Central Africa Medical Journal (ECAMJ) provides a platform for researchers, academicians, professional practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in empirical and theoretical research work....

 Medicine / 339 views

The East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is dedicated to all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences research. Published scientific papers include review papers and original research papers...

 Medical services / 761 views

The Ebonyi Medical Journal publishes original research findings, reviews, case reports and letters to the editor in clinical and basic medical sciences to disseminate same to medical doctors,...

 Medicine / 708 views

The Egyptian Heart Journal publishes articles on all aspects of cardiovascular disease, including original clinical studies and translational investigations. The Journal provides a forum for the exchange of...

 Non-communicable diseases / 388 views

The Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis aims to publish and inform readers and all chest physicians of the progress in medical research concerning all aspect of...

 Communicable diseases / 746 views

The Egyptian Journal of Community Medicine (EJCM) publishes papers, reviews and short reports on all aspects of the science, and practice of public health. The journal strengthens the...

 Community health care / 336 views

Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences is an Open Access (OA) aspires to play a national, regional and international role in the promotion of responsible...

 Oral health / 346 views

The Egyptian Journal of Environmental Research is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that covers research and studies related to environmental issues in Egypt and the surrounding region. The journal...

 Environmental health / 5 views

The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine focuses on research and advancements in various medical fields, including cardiology, internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and obstetrics. It provides a platform for...

 Medicine / 14 views

The Egyptian Journal of Environmental Research is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that covers research and studies related to environmental issues in Egypt and the surrounding region. The journal...

 Environmental health / 8 views

The Egyptian Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Endocrinology is a peer-reviewed journal and publishes technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the field...

 Communicable diseases / 791 views

This journal is a forum for the presentation and promotion of new researches in the field of allergy and immunology, for maintaining contact between basic and clinical allergists and immunologists,...

 Diseases/disease control / 225 views

ERAR publishes research articles, review articles and case reports in the field of adult and pediatric rheumatological and musculoskeletal conditions. The journal publishes articles on topics such as...

 Non-communicable diseases / 6 views

Emergency Services SA focuses on policies, legislation and regulation pertaining to emergency services in Southern Africa. The journal shares knowledge to save lives. It reports pertinent case studies...

 Disaster management & emergency service / 769 views

Environmental Management is a publication which serves all areas of the 'sustainable' industries, focusing on the areas of: waste Management/recycling, water conservation, and renewable energy landscaping, sustainable building...

 Environmental health / 675 views

Evidence-Based Nursing Research is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on research related to evidence-based practice in nursing. The journal covers topics such as clinical practice guidelines, systematic...

 African Journals / 16 views

Feminist Africa is a peer-reviewed academic journal that focuses on feminist perspectives on women, gender, and sexuality in Africa. The journal covers a wide range of topics related...

 Gender & development / 5 views

The Journal provides a forum for dissemination of research findings necessary for sound policy formulation towards a better environment. It is an inter-disciplinary journal and includes disciplines in environmental...

 Environmental health / 311 views

The Gender and Behaviour journal publishes analysis, findings and recommendations relating to gender and behavior, including theoretical, empirical and descriptive works and relevant scholarly discussions of ethics. The...

 Community development / 706 views

The Gezira Journal of Health Sciences publishes articles on all health contents and concerns; basic sciences, clinical sciences, medical education, behavioral sciences and community health. The journal will...

 Community health care / 393 views

The Ghana International Journal of Mental Health promotes publication of papers in subject areas that have long been inadequately covered in Ghana and other parts of Africa. In...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 8 views

Ghana Journal of Development Studies (GJDS) is an inter-disciplinary journal with a development focus. The journal publishes works on development policy, programming and projects, whether analytical, evaluative, basic,...

 International development / 723 views

The Ghana Medical Journal is a peer-reviewed journal and publishes quality manuscripts in all aspects of health, health care and the medical sciences. The journal is published by...

 Medicine / 735 views

The Ghana Pharmaceutical Journal covers all aspects of pharmacy practice. It accepts papers in the following disciplines: pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical chemistry; pharmacy practice, pharmaceutics, complementary and alternative medicines;...

 General information / 7 views

Global Journal of Community Medicine is aimed at promoting research in all areas of community or public health. The journal addresses issues of primary and tertiary health care....

 Community health care / 602 views

Global Journal of Environmental Sciences promotes research in all areas of environmental sciences, including waste management, pollution control, and remediation of hazards. 

 Environmental health / 206 views

The Global Journal of Medical Sciences is aimed at promoting research in all areas of medical endeavor and health care from basic science to evidence based clinical management....

 Community health care / 611 views

The Health Policy and Development journal aims to widen access to relevant, scientifically rigorous and practice-oriented information on public health policy, politics, planning and management, by publishing original...

 Health planning & management / 944 views

Health Research in Africa (HRA) focuses on various healthcare subjects in the African context. This publication covers topics such as public health, epidemiology, infectious diseases, healthcare policy, and...

 Public health / 7 views

Health SA Gesondheid - Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences aims to promote communication, collaboration and teamwork between professions and disciplines within the health sciences to address problems that...

 Public health / 758 views

Health Sciences and Diseases (HSD) is a peer-reviewed medical journal that covers all aspects of medicine, pharmacy, biomedical and health sciences, including public health and societal issues. The...

 Diseases/disease control / 780 views

The Highland Medical Research publishes scientific research in various fields of medical science. It aims to promote cooperation and understanding amongst workers in various fields of medical science.

 Medicine / 377 views

IFE PsychologIA journal has a multidisciplinary focus. It is not intended for psychologists alone but for anyone with an interest in the current state of psychology in Africa...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 221 views

The IMTU Medical Journal publishes original research, case studies and review articles in the field of biomedical sciences, public health, social and traditional medicines and all medical sciences....

 Medicine / 699 views

The Injury and Safety Monitor is published to encourage dialogue and information dissemination in the injury prevention sector. The journal highlights emerging injury priorities and associated implications for...

 Injuries / 783 views

Interim is a multi-disciplinary journal and collections include publications relating to medicine and health, science technology and agriculture, social sciences and humanities, and business, and finance.

 Public health / 646 views

International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences (IJANS) is an international scientific journal published by Elsevier. The broad-based journal was founded on two key tenets, i.e. to publish the...

 Primary Health Care / 737 views

The International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences (IJBCS) is a journal devoted to the publication of contributions in all fields of biology and chemical sciences including, among...

 Public health / 868 views

International Journal of Community Research (IJCR) publishes research articles, review articles, short reports and commentaries that are community-based or inter and intra-cultural based. The Journal also accepts manuscripts on...

 Community development / 281 views

The International Journal of Health Research promotes health sciences and related disciplines including: medicine, pharmacy, nursing, biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, and related engineering fields. The Journal encourages multidisciplinary research...

 African Journals / 252 views

The International Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases (IJMTD) aims to educate and improve the practice of malaria treatment, stimulate research, encourage academic tropical medicine and enhance patient care. The...

 Communicable diseases / 285 views

International Journal of Medicine and Health Development covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in fields of medicine, social medicine and other related...

 Medicine / 294 views

International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (IJMMS) publishes articles on medicine, basic medical sciences, dentistry, pharmaceutical science and related disciplines. Subjects range from family medicine, women’s health,...

 Medicine / 279 views

Internet Journal of Medical Update (Ejournal) is an international journal which provides a multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of current ideas in a form of original research work,...

 Health planning & management / 709 views

The ISABB Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences (ISABB-JHE) publishes articles in all areas of health and environmental sciences. The journal is owned by the international Society of...

 Environmental health / 282 views

JAMA Ophthalmology helps you to explore the latest in vision science including causes and treatment of cataract, glaucoma, retinal disorders, and more. It is a monthly peer-reviewed medical...

 Eye Health / 310 views

Jàmbá, a trans-disciplinary publication in the field of disaster risk reduction, is aimed at serving as a platform for discussion and debate in this relatively new study field....

 Disaster management & emergency service / 611 views

Jos Journal of Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal and seeks to provide a forum for the dissemination of research, review articles and information in all aspects of medical...

 Medicine / 720 views

The Journal of African Population Studies is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, commentaries, letters, and case studies on topics related to the disciplines represented...

 General information / 4 views

The Journal of AIDS and HIV Research (JAHR) focuses on knowledge of HIV/AIDS treatment, its clinical advancements, development in antiretroviral therapies, HIV vaccines and drugs development, virus pathogenesis...

 Communicable diseases / 241 views

The journal publishes original research findings and interpretative reviews from health sciences, pure and applied sciences, engineering, agriculture, and environmental management sciences. Studies relating to food, water, atmosphere,...

 Environmental health / 706 views

The Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences is a peer-reviewed online journal of basic and clinical reproductive sciences and medicine. It aims to render a global platform...

 Reproductive & sexual health / 611 views

JCREO covers a wide range of topics in cancer research and experimental oncology. The journal is published per article and covers areas of oncology with contributions from researchers...

 Non-communicable diseases / 2 views

The Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health aims to contribute towards the development of a robust and inclusive knowledge base for child and adolescent mental health across...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 642 views

The Journal of Community Health Management aims to publish a research-oriented manuscript addressing significant issues in all the subjects and areas of community health management. The Journal is committed...

 Community health care / 414 views

The Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care is a multidisciplinary journal and publishes articles that seek to advance knowledge and understanding of the health sector with...

 Primary Health Care / 764 views

Journal of Depression and Anxiety aims to publish on the discoveries and current developments in all areas of anxiety, childhood disorders, depression, and more.

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 199 views

The Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association (JEPHA) publishes research in public health and community medicine fields, including, epidemiology, health management, biostatistics, occupational and environmental health, family health, nutrition,...

 Public health / 454 views

The Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa (JEMDSA) is published by the South African Medical Association and publishes papers related to endocrinology, metabolism and diabetes.

 Non-communicable diseases / 632 views

The Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences is an international peer-reviewed journal covering a wide range of academic disciplines including: medicine, health sciences, dentistry, pharmacy, and life sciences....

 Public health / 881 views

The Journal of Gender, Information and Development in Africa (JGIDA) promotes freedom of inquiry and research with a view to stimulating and entrenching a culture and tradition of...

 Community development / 778 views

JHIA focuses on publishing research articles, reviews, and case studies related to health informatics specifically in the African context. The scope of the journal covers health information systems,...

 Health information systems / 5 views

HIDC aims for the wide electronic dissemination of innovative and consequential research in all aspects of health informatics.  With an aim to attract and solicit high-quality original research...

 Health information systems / 11 views

Journal of Infectious Diseases and Immunity is a multidisciplinary research on infectious, immune- and autoimmune-mediated diseases. Other areas covered include infectious diseases such as malaria, hepatitis-B and -C,...

 Communicable diseases / 267 views

The Journal of Medical and Biomedical Science publishes original, peer-reviewed reports that pertain to medical and allied health sciences; confirmatory reports of previously described phenomena that either contain...

 Medical services / 837 views

The Journal of Medicinal Plants for Economic Development (JOMPED) is dedicated to the dissemination of research information on the use of plants and plant products for economic and...

 Traditional health care & alternative therapies / 574 views

The Journal of Medicinal Plants Research (JMPR) provides researchers an avenue to present their findings on the value of medicinal plants, indigenous medications, ethnobotany and ethnomedicine, herbal medicines...

 Medical services / 370 views

The Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research encourages research into primary health care. The publication include articles from all branches of medicine and dentistry including basic sciences and...

 Medicine / 453 views

The Journal of Medicine in the Tropics is primarily a medium for the publication of research in the areas of medicine and related sciences. Specifically, the journal is...

 Diseases/disease control / 561 views

The Journal of Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Sciences is peer-reviewed journal that address issues of multidisciplinary research to disseminate knowledge all over the world. The journal...

 General information / 727 views

The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Eastern and Central Africa (JOGECA) publishes work in all aspects related to obstetrics and gynaecology, reviews related to obstetrics and gynecology and case...

 Mother, newborn & child health / 398 views

JFMO is addressed to all health actors in a multidisciplinary perspective (medicine, pharmacy, dental medicine, basic sciences, and social sciences). It aims to support research in the health...

 Medicine / 2 views

The Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences (JOPHAS) publishes original scientific and technical research works carried out on drugs and drug-related products, within and outside Nigeria in the...

 Medical services / 694 views

Journal of Psychology in Africa publishes psychological research to advance health development in African communities and its diaspora around the globe.

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 659 views

The Journal of Public Health in Africa (JPHiA) is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on health issues in the African continent. The aim of the journal is to...

 Public health / 610 views

The Journal of Rural Health is a peer-reviewed scientific publication that focuses on research, policy, and practice related to rural health issues. The scope of the journal includes...

 Rural health / 6 views

The Journal of Science and Sustainable Development (JSSD) aims to provide a visible outlet for definitive articles that discuss the concept of development from an interdisciplinary viewpoint. Thus,...

 International development / 891 views

The Journal of Science and Technology (JUST) aims at publishing articles resulting from original research whether pure or applied in the various aspects of academic endeavor broadly classified...

 General information / 683 views

The Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa provides both the theoretical underpinnings of development and the operationalization process for development. The Journal is established to address Africa’s sustainability...

 Sustainable development Goals / 22 views

Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute publishes original articles related to all fields of cancer, including basic, applied, and clinical cancer research. It aims to disperse up-to-date...

 Non-communicable diseases / 676 views

The journal aims to publish and disseminate scientifically rigorous health information of Eritrean and international significance that enables policy makers, researchers, and practitioners to be more effective in...

 Public health / 597 views

Journal of the Nigerian Optometric Association (JNOA) publishes clinical and scientific research information and novel developments in the broad fields of optometry and vision science including basic and clinical...

 Eye Health / 292 views

The Journal publishes articles on medical and medically related topics for the consumption of emerging health care professionals from all over Nigeria, ranging from medical, pharmacy, dental, physiotherapy...

 Communicable diseases / 279 views

JWACS publishes scholarly research works with relevance to the management of surgical and allied diseases in West Africa, Africa as well as other parts of the world. The...

 Medicine / 10 views

JTEHS covers all areas of the subject such as toxicogenomics, enzyme inhibition, drug overdose, environmental pollutants and environmental protection & policies. The publisher of the Journal is Academic Journals...

 Medicine / 12 views

KIJ is a journal for health informatics, published by the Kenya Health Informatics Association (KeHIA).  KIJ provides an opportunity for Informatics researchers & other professionals in related domains...

 African Journals / 144 views

Khartoum Medical Journal provides a forum for scientific and clinical medicine publications. The journal serves the medical community in Sudan and the region in the field of continuing...

 Medicine / 961 views

Libyan International Medical University Journal covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the field of basic, allied and clinical medical sciences. It...

 Medicine / 619 views

Libyan Journal of Medical Sciences (LJMS)  publishes research article in medicine and its subspecialties, family medicine, community and occupational medicine, public health, pharmacy, pathology, health quality and hospital...

 Medicine / 225 views

The journal publishes medical research in the different disciplines of medicine and related subject. This includes original clinical prospective and retrospective studies, original research data reporting, reviews, case...

 Medicine / 535 views

Lwati is a peer-reviewed Journal and publishes new research from every aspect of the humanities and the social sciences. The Lwati team is based in Swaziland.

 Health planning & management / 1060 views / Popular

The Makerere Medical Journal is published by the Research and Writer's Club at Makerere University College of Health Sciences in Uganda.

 Medicine / 249 views

The Malawi Medical Journal is a peer reviewed publication of medical research in Malawi. It serves as a forum for the dissemination of findings of health-related research to...

 Medicine / 606 views

The Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine (MJSM) publishes original research papers, review articles, case reports and short communications on any aspect of health and tropical diseases. The journal...

 Diseases/disease control / 880 views

Medical Chronicle is aimed at private doctors, specialists, hospitals and other key role players in the private healthcare sector. It covers: women's health; men's health; sexual health; HIV;...

 Primary Health Care / 758 views

The Medical Journal of Zambia is a peer-reviewed journal intended for the publication of papers from all specialties of medicine and their sub-specialties, basic sciences, public health, social...

 Public health / 683 views

Medical Technologies Journal is an online refereed journal and publishes an interdisciplinary research findings and innovations in medicine, medical technologies and health sciences. The journal contributes in all...

 Health information technology & information management / 707 views

Menoufia Medical Journal covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of general medicine. The Journal’s publication areas include ophthalmology, family medicine,...

 Medicine / 302 views

Mental Health Matters is a distinctive magazine that brings information and resources to general practitioners in their role as first-line caregivers and identifiers of mental health issues. The...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 716 views

The Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology (MEAJO) is an official journal of the Middle East African Council of Ophthalmology (MEACO). It is an international, peer-reviewed journal and...

 Medical services / 767 views

MJPH is a multidisciplinary journal in the field of public health, publishing contributions on the whole spectrum of public health, from health, epidemiology, social medicine, health services, health...

 Public health / 3 views

New Voices in Psychology is aimed to nurture the work of young researchers and to encourage the development of new ideas in the discipline. The journal carries contributions...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 401 views

The Niger Delta Medical Journal disseminates research findings from the rural Niger Delta region of Nigeria and elsewhere in the field of Medicine and all its specialties. It...

 Medicine / 394 views

The Nigerian Health Journal (TNHJ) is a peer-reviewed medical and health science journal. It publishes contributions that advance medical science or practice extending to all aspects of medicine...

 Public health / 509 views

The Nigerian Hospital Practice journal aims to enhance the advancement of medicine globally by acting as a medium for disseminating information on current clinical and drug practices in...

 Health planning & management / 661 views

Nigerian Journal of Cardiology covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of cardiovascular medicine, cardiovascular/thoracic surgery, preventive cardiology, cardiovascular rehabilitation, cardiovascular...

 Non-communicable diseases / 7 views

The Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology is concerned with the psychological, social, behavioral, medical, paediatric and ethical aspects of the applied field of clinical and counselling psychology. Contributions...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 7 views

The Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice covers technical and clinical studies related to medical and pediatric oncology in human wellbeing including ethical and social issues.  The Journal is...

 Medical services / 14 views

NJDR aims to publish innovative articles that will stimulate and promote research which will eventually facilitate the progress of oral, dental and craniofacial sciences. The Journal is an...

 Oral health / 3 views

NIJEST promotes the generation and dissemination of scientific research findings, reviews and case studies to both the academic communities and industries locally, nationally and globally. It focuses on...

 Medicine / 13 views

The Nigerian Journal of Family Practice (NJFP) serves as a repository for peer-reviewed research in all fields of primary health care and family medicine in African context. Coverage...

 Primary Health Care / 795 views

The Nigerian Journal of General Practice is a multi-disciplinary biomedical journal. The journal aims to publish evidence-based scientific research articles from a diversity of disciplines in the basic...

 Medicine / 475 views

The Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences is a multidisciplinary journal established to meet the challenges of health care delivery and health care systems in the 21st...

 Community health care / 896 views

Nigerian Journal of Health Sciences aims to are to promote the prospect for teamwork and networking in health sciences research. The Journal provides a platform for dissemination of...

 African Journals / 292 views

Nigerian Journal of Medicine (NJM) publishes scientific reports on human subjects. The journal covers technical and clinical studies related to medicine, dentistry and allied sciences.

 Medicine / 258 views

The Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicine is dedicated to the promotion of pharmacognosy, natural products and traditional medicine. Articles published cover phytomedicine, natural product chemistry and...

 Traditional health care & alternative therapies / 765 views

The Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences is a peer-reviewed publication with primary focus of basic and applied studies in nutritional sciences and related fields. Original research articles, review...

 Nutrition / 1210 views / Popular

The Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology publishes technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the field of clinical, laboratory, community medicine, basic medical sciences,...

 Disability & rehabilitation / 644 views

The Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma publishes original papers, review articles and case reports on pathology, anaesthesia, orthopaedics and trauma. It is the official publication of the...

 Disability & rehabilitation / 596 views

Nigerian Journal of Pediatrics publishes original articles, brief reports on clinical and laboratory observations; case reports of substantive value; invited editorial annotations; invited papers on recent electronic clinical briefs,...

 Child health / 6 views

The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology is devoted primarily to pure and applied research and provides a forum for the publication of investigations in all aspects of Parasitology. The...

 Diseases/disease control / 674 views

The Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research publishes scientific work in all areas of pharmaceutical and life sciences, including, among others, medicinal plant research, herbal medicines and cosmetics, development...

 Medical services / 707 views

The Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry publishes original scientific papers, review articles, short reports and opinion papers in all areas of psychiatry and related fields, such as sociology, applied anthropology and...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 12 views

The Nigerian Medical Journal publishes topics of interest to clinicians, researchers, resident doctors, epidemiologists, medical and paramedical teachers, biomedical scientists, health managers and other professionals. Publications include original...

 Medicine / 500 views

Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of medicine, dentistry and allied medical sciences. Articles also include...

 Medicine / 297 views

Nigerian School Health Journal publishes articles on areas of education and health with an emphasis on articles that connect health and learning. The Journal is official Journal of...

 African Journals / 344 views

NAJFNR focuses on research related to nutrition science, medical nutrition therapy, public health nutrition, food science and related disciplines in the North African region. The scope of the...

 Nutrition / 7 views

The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum is written by specialists in the field. It aims to present articles on the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology in South Africa. The...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 699 views

Occupational Health Southern Africa is dedicated for the occupational health disciplines in Southern Africa. The focus is on occupational medicine, nursing and hygiene, as well as primary health...

 Occupational health / 702 views

Occupational Risk Management serves the information and communication needs of the occupational, health, safety and environmental management professions. The journal’s coverage is from 2005-2009.

 Occupational health / 816 views

Orient Journal of Medicine is a scientific journal that publishes original articles, reviews, and case reports in the biomedical sciences. It aims at disseminating clinical practice and emerging...

 Medicine / 546 views

was created to highlight the rich output of clinical practice across Africa. The Journal publishes clinical case reports, case series, images, reviews, commentary, opinions and research articles from...

 Medicine / 8 views

The Pan African Journal of Health and Environmental Science focuses on health and environmental science in Africa. The journal covers a wide range of subjects including public health,...

 Environmental health / 15 views

The Pan African Medical Journal publishes original scientific studies, public health initiatives, comments and reviews on clinical, social, political, economical and other factors affecting health. The journal aims...

 Medicine / 747 views

Plus 50 is a magazine for older persons in South Africa. It contains valuable information and advice regarding retirement, health matters, money matters, safety and tourism. It is...

 Elder health / 211 views

Port Harcourt Medical Journal, a publication of College of Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues...

 Medicine / 318 views

The Postgraduate Medical Journal of Ghana publishes articles that advance the aims and objectives of the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons, namely, training of high quality medical practitioners to...

 Medicine / 439 views

Professional Nursing Today articles are aimed at informing the professional nurses involved in clinical practice. The Journal includes all nursing and midwifery disciplines. It has patient information, leadership...

 Health workforce & training / 401 views

The Regional Environmental Change aims to publish scientific research and opinion papers that improve our understanding of the extent of these changes, their causes, their impacts on people,...

 Environmental health / 363 views

The Research Journal of Health Sciences promotes research work in the field of health and related biological sciences. The Journal acts as a medium of improving the quality of health...

 African Journals / 485 views

Research on Disability highlights several Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers at the Institute on Disability (IOD) which serve as resources for capacity building, developing and exploring new disability...

 Disability & rehabilitation / 791 views

This literature database is maintained by the Routine Health Information Network (RHINO). RHINO advocates for the use of routine health information in decision making and the improvement of...

 Health information technology & information management / 659 views

The Rwanda Journal publishes original works on both fundamental and applied research. The works either demonstrate a significant new discovery or other contribution that has been established to...

 Public health / 578 views

The Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences publishes topics relevant to various health related fields including but not limited to public health, nutrition, health management and policy, medicine, and...

 African Journals / 609 views

The Rwanda Medical Journal (RMJ) is an interdisciplinary research journal for publication of the major health disciplines. The RMJ strives to publish original works of high quality for a diverse...

 Medicine / 332 views

SA Heart publishes peer reviewed articles dealing with cardiovascular disease, including original research, topical reviews, papers and viewpoints. Regular features include an ECG quiz, image in cardiology and...

 Non-communicable diseases / 873 views

The SA Pharmaceutical Journal publishes topics of interest in the medical and pharmaceutical arena. It is the official Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa.

 General information / 675 views

The SA Waterbulletin is a magazine on water and water research published by the South African Water Research Commission.

 Community development / 764 views

SAHARA-J publishes research on social factors relating to HIV/AIDS with a particular focus on research in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing countries. The journal covers care, support, behavior...

 Communicable diseases / 645 views

Sahel Medical Journal seeks to promote global exchange of scholarly medical and scientific information. The journal covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues...

 Medicine / 548 views

The Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice advances the practice and study of all fields of medicine in Nigeria, in general, as well as in other African countries and...

 Medicine / 298 views

Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé is focused on health sciences in general. The journal publishes articles related to major problems in public health in sub-Saharan Africa...

 Neglected tropical diseases / 616 views

Sciences & Nature publishes original and review articles, abstracts, reviews of publications, proceedings of various scientific meetings and information of interest in general. Subjects covered include agronomy, sciences...

 Nutrition / 645 views

Scientific Medical Journal, an official journal of Egyptian Medical Education, provides a forum for dissemination of knowledge, exchange of ideas, inform of exchange of ideas, information and experience...

 Medicine / 337 views

Servamus is a community-based safety and security magazine for the community and safety and security practitioners with the aim of increasing knowledge and sharing information. The journal is...

 Occupational health / 616 views

The Sierra Leone Journal of Biomedical Research publishes papers in the fields of medicine and allied health sciences, including environment and health, nursing sciences, health education and primary...

 Primary Health Care / 798 views

The South African Dental Journal (SADJ) primarily carries research articles which reflect oral and general health issues in Africa. The Journal also publishes papers covering the widest consideration of all...

 Oral health / 335 views

South African Family Practice (SAFP) is a scientific journal, which strives to provide primary care physicians and researchers with a broad range of scholarly work in the disciplines...

 Primary Health Care / 643 views

The South African Gastroenterology Review is written by specialists in the field. Its aim is to publish articles pertinent to the practicing Gastroenterologist in South Africa. It is...

 Non-communicable diseases / 340 views

The South African General Practitioner circulates to general practitioners and family physicians in South Africa via Medicross and Intercare. It is a peer reviewed journal that publishes the...

 Primary Health Care / 351 views

The South African Health Review is a journal of critical analysis and commentary by specialists on key issues relating to health systems policy and practice. Containing South African perspectives on...

 African Journals / 386 views

Published by Health and Medical Publishing Group, SAJCH is a medical child health journal. The journal publishes research articles and letters, editorials, clinical practice and other child health...

 Child health / 630 views

The South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition (SAJCN) is peer reviewed and an approved South African journal for the measurement of research output of public higher education institutions.

 Nutrition / 601 views

The South African Journal of Diabetes is published by Homestead Publishing (Pty) Ltd. It is issued quarterly and is an open access journal.

 Non-communicable diseases / 638 views

The South African Journal of Diabetes & Vascular Disease provides resource for specialists, general practitioners and primary care diabetic nurse and allied professionals on diabetes management in South...

 Non-communicable diseases / 585 views

The South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy is a peer reviewed journal which publishes contributions related to environmental law and policy. It provides a forum for...

 Environmental health / 789 views

The Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine is a medical journal focused on HIV and/or AIDS treatment, prevention and related topics relevant to clinical and public health practice....

 Communicable diseases / 632 views

The Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases (SAJID) publishes in the areas of infection, including clinical and epidemiological aspects of communicable diseases, laboratory diagnosis of infections, characterization of...

 Communicable diseases / 606 views

SAJOG publishes original, peer-reviewed work in all areas of obstetrics and gynaecology, including contraception, urogynaecology, fertility, oncology and clinical practice. The journal carries original research articles, editorials, clinical...

 General information / 11 views

SAJOT aims to contribute to the scientific knowledge to the field of occupation therapy and its outcomes which have reference to service delivery in Africa. This journal provides a...

 Occupational health / 6 views

The South African Journal of Oncology publishes articles on all aspects of oncology. It supports a multidisciplinary approach to cancer care research as well as translational research in oncology

 Non-communicable diseases / 5 views

South African Journal of Physiotherapy aims to reflect physiotherapy in Africa. It is an academic research-orientated publication that publishes original research, theory, and/or best practice related to physiotherapy or...

 Disability & rehabilitation / 3 views

The South African Journal of Pre-hospital Emergency Care (SAJPEC) is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to support and inform advances in the science and practice of pre-hospital emergency...

 Disaster management & emergency service / 643 views

The journal is the leading psychiatric journal of Africa and provides scholarly reading for psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and all with an interest in mental health. It carries empirical...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 582 views

South African Journal of Psychology publishes contributions from all fields of psychology. Priority is given to articles which are relevant to Africa and which address psychological issues of...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 8 views

South African Journal of Science is a multidisciplinary journal. Its objective is to promote the visibility and impact of South African and African research by publishing original research from Africa...

 General information / 11 views

The South African Journal of Sports Medicine is a journal which publishes research articles, reviews, commentaries, letters, case studies on topics related to the disciplines represented by the...

 Medicine / 376 views

The South African Medical Journal (SAMJ) provides a premier vehicle for the publication of medical research in South Africa and beyond. The journal informs the medical profession and...

 Medicine / 537 views

SA Ophthalmology Journal is the official journal of the Ophthalmology Society of South Africa. This specialized journal gives due attention to ophthalmology sub-specialties including glaucoma, refractive surgery and...

 General information / 704 views

The South African Orthopaedic Journal (SAOJ) publishes scientific research articles that advance knowledge in the field of orthopaedic surgery and related sub–disciplines in South Africa. Further, the SAOJ disseminates...

 Non-communicable diseases / 320 views

The South Sudan Medical Journal (SSMJ) is a multi-professional journal and aims to publish research and clinical guidance that will positively influence the development of healthcare services in...

 Health planning & management / 806 views

SAJCC is the official journal of the Critical Care Society and is sent to the members of CCS, intensive care nurses, paramedics and medical practitioners.

 African Journals / 302 views

SAJEE aims to publish on a wide range of aspects relating to environmental education, ethics and action in Southern Africa and elsewhere, with a strong focus on research....

 Environmental health / 8 views

SAJEI covers articles on all aspects of epidemiology and infection, including the public health aspects of infection. Topics covered in the journal include the epidemiology, transmission, prevention, and...

 General information / 7 views

The Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine is a quarterly specialist medical journal. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate original research results and to support high...

 African Journals / 237 views

The Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases publishes research on infectious diseases in the Southern African region. The journal covers various topics including epidemiology, microbiology, clinical management, and...

 African Journals / 11 views

Southern African Journal of Public Health incorporating Strengthening Health Systems aims to bridge the divides between academia, policy and implementation in health systems intervention and reform. The Journal publishes papers with...

 Public health / 151 views

SJHR-Africa integrates knowledge from different academic disciplines to bridge the knowledge gap in Africa. The Journal’s scope extends to biological sciences and vocational studies that have an impact...

 General information / 2 views

SSAJM is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to increasing the depth of knowledge of subjects across all disciplines of medicine and allied sciences. The Journal welcomes manuscripts that meet...

 Medicine / 12 views

The Sudan Heart Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published featuring original research, review articles, editorials and case reports that contribute positively to the medical literature. The journal is...

 Non-communicable diseases / 794 views

The Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences publishes original papers written in English or Arabic language dealing with aspects of medical sciences. The journal publishes articles, case reports, letter...

 Medicine / 613 views

The Sudanese Journal of Ophthalmology is an online journal and covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the field of new diagnostic...

 Health planning & management / 686 views

The Sudanese Journal of Pediatrics focuses on clinical and experimental reports dealing with child health locally, in tropical regions and Africa, the Middle East and Mediterranean Region, as...

 Child health / 11 views

Tanta Medical Journal, a publication of Tanta University, Faculty of Medicine, covers technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in the field of Medicine....

 Medicine / 506 views

Tanzania Dental Journal publishes articles on original research work, reviews, short communications, letters, and case reports on all aspects of oral health.

 Oral health / 288 views

The Tanzania Journal of Development Studies focuses on social, economic, political and cultural development. The target of the journal is researchers and policy makers.

 International development / 719 views

The Tanzania Journal of Health Research (TJHR) aims to facilitate the advance of health sciences by publishing research and review articles that communicate new ideas and developments in...

 Health planning & management / 835 views

The Tanzania Journal of Science (Tanz. J. Sci.) is a forum for communication and co-ordination between and among scientists and allied professionals. It is also intended as a...

 General information / 784 views

Tanzania Medical Journal (TMJ) is a multidisciplinary medical and health science journal published by the Medical Association of Tanzania. The journal publishes contribution that advances medical science or...

 Medicine / 728 views

The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences (TJHS) provides a forum for exchange of ideas to those engaged in work in the health sciences and related fields. The journal publishes high...

 African Journals / 539 views

Tropical Journal of Medical Research publishes original research work, review articles, important case report, short communications, and innovations in medicine and related fields. The journal is published by...

 Medicine / 704 views

Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR) is a peer-reviewed journal and publishes original research papers. The scope of the journal includes: pharmaceutical research, chemistry and biochemistry of...

 Traditional health care & alternative therapies / 794 views

UQEB aims to inform the district, national and global stakeholders on disease outbreak investigations, public health surveillance and interventions undertaken in detecting, preventing and responding to public health...

 Diseases/disease control / 484 views

The Water & Sanitation Africa magazine is dedicated to the management, preservation, treatment and provision of water throughout the African continent. It publishes content dealing with the supply,...

 Community development / 874 views

Water SA publishes refereed, original work in all branches of water science, technology, engineering and policy. This includes: water resource development; salinization; treatment and management of municipal and...

 Community health care / 730 views

The West African Journal of Medicine disseminates information about medical science in West Africa and elsewhere. The Journal aims to furnish a means whereby appropriate international medical and health organizations...

 Medicine / 413 views

The West African Journal of Pharmacy is designed to foster multidisciplinary research and collaboration among pharmaceutical scientists, practicing pharmacists, pharmaceutical industries and the healthcare sector in pharmacy practice...

 General information / 14 views

Would Healing Southern Africa seeks to publish articles related to wound healing and wound care. This may take the form of original research, review papers for CPD, case...

 Injuries / 316 views

Zagazig Journal of Occupational Health and Safety is aimed at physicians and researchers in the wide-ranging discipline of occupational and environmental health and safety. The field is devoted...

 Occupational health / 583 views

Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology publishes original research papers and reviews that bring you in-depth information on scientific and technological developments. The Journal is geared towards generating...

 General information / 21 views